Advice needed please


New member
Hi guys,

I am new to Reddit and would like some advice and a rant. (Sorry if this is the wrong community)

I am in India (Delhi) and the rules about dogs here are relaxed and no one seems to care about the street dogs. Lately, a stray dog let's call her D has been having issues with her legs and is in a lot of pain (she has seen a vet), I have seen this dog since she was 5 and now she is 13 (I am not allowed pets but I feed her and have gotten her vaccinated). Her back legs are slowly becoming paralyzed and she is losing weight. I care about her, she has been my soul dog for ages from going on walks with me to helping her give birth, but she is not friendly to others.

My parents know about her and help me by paying for her vet bills, food, etc.

Today D was lying under my uncle's car (she has mobility issues and cannot really walk), and my uncle was trying to back his car out, he KNEW D was under his car and kept backing out and his wife was spraying D with water from a hose, poor D was screaming, I think her tail was trapped under. My mom yelled at my uncle, then my dad went down and he backed the car out with D still under, this, in my opinion, is a shit thing to do as she is now hurt more. Right as it was happening my mom yelled at me to go downstairs (I was asleep and a bit sick) so I ran and found her dragging herself while crying.

One issue is that soon I am leaving India for further education and no one else in the community cares for her, people do say and leave milk out but no one is willing to let her sleep in their house or even give her meds (I have the medication, I would give them a 4-month supply to mix with milk or food twice a day).

To clarify some points, for the last 8 years I never stayed at a single place and kept travelling between relatives' homes, but whenever I am at this home (for a year now), I look after D and the street dogs nearby.

Please can you advise me on how to help her and what to do next?