Advice needed for 15 months old female Golden Retriever with Hip Dysplasia

What kind of physical exercises will help?

Anything to add in her food which can improve the joint’s health?

Vet said it’s a mild case of dysplasia. Can anyone here confirm it’s mild by looking at the x-ray?
She does not show any symptoms. I had the x-ray done last month to know if she has it so I can adjust her lifestyle now to avoid or minimise the suffering in future.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly There are lots of joint health supplements on the market, just do some research. I think low impact stuff like swimming could be good for her. Golden retrievers are notorious for bad dysplasia, so it's good you're getting on top of it sooner. Also you might want to make sure to keep her weight healthy.
@tracey4g Spoke to a few people and found OptiMSM to be one supplement which is helpful. However, I’m not sure how to figure out the dosage. Is there a guide or some way to come up with the right amount to put in her food?

I will be starting swimming for her regularly as soon as the lockdown restrictions because of Coronavirus are lifted here. Was looking for some home based exercises in the meantime (which would be anyways good to do as an alternative to swimming).

As for the weight, she is 25 kg and has been this for a couple of months. I will make sure that she doesn’t go overweight.