Advice: My sister does the bare minimum as a dog mom


New member
Background: My sister bought an aussie doodle last year. She bought him a year after our family dog of 16 years was put down. Between those two events she was in a massive slump. We had a cat for a week but had to give her up for adoption because we had to move to Puerto Rico. Our father told us that we shouldn't bring a new animal into the family until after we moved but she jumped the gun because for her she couldn't live without an animal to care for any longer. She even admitted to frequent suicidal ideation. To her, she needs to care for something to give her purpose in life.

Main: Her dog is a year old now. We lived in a dog-friendly area of California but she never took advantage to explore the area with him. Now we live in an area where dogs aren't as integral as California and strays walk the streets regularly. She kept him in the house for the first couple of months because she was afraid he would get sick or infested w/ fleas and ticks if he didn't have all his shots, vaccinations, medications, etc. She's been an overprotective dog mom from the getgo. She's always cautious of introducing new dogs. And they're always together, him leashed up 24/7 beside her or in her room and barely getting excercise since she's sedentary and just draws or plays video games all day. He has severe separation anxiety, pees when he sees us after a long time, and grabs anything he can and guards it. My sister has done nothing to address these. It's driving me and my dad mad, mostly the latter because I've moved out already. My dad actually treats him like a dog compared to her. But he also has the most dipshit rules like not letting him roam our new house until we file his nails because he'll scratch the floors (we have tile floors from the 80s). Yet he lets him roam our new 1.5 acre home with a massive backyard, my sis would have a fit if she found out. I tell her that she needs to take him to classes or that she needs to seek mental health guidance but she ALWAYS makes excuses as to why she can't whether it be money, transportation, anything. She's always on the defense when we bring up the fact that the dog is not here for her, she's here for the dog. My sis and dad stress eachother out but I'm on my dad's side here. What tf do I do so that her dog can live better than how she's making him live. I'm only here at home for another week. What do I do?

Tl;dr my sis' dog has severe seperation anxiety. She, on the other hand, always supervises him 24/7 and just walks, feeds, and plays with him. He's mostly leashed with her and has no independence whatsoever.