advice for pom w/ yeast/fungal infection that hasn’t improved for months?


New member
i don’t post on here but i have reached a point that i feel like my vets (& google) have done everything they can..
my pom is a few days shy of 4 years old and for the past couple years she has had frequent and recurring problems with fungal infections/yeast/seborrhea etc. but this last time has persisted for many months now and it’s just so bad and it isn’t getting better (honestly i think it gets worse) no matter what we do.. i feel like her health is declining and i really don’t know what to do.
i’ll give a summary of what i’ve been doing/did in the past for her..
- right now she gets baths every 2-3 days with medicated shampoo, and in between that i keep a shirt on her at all times (which i do know is not helping the yeast issue but she will constantly scratch and bite herself to the point of bleeding without it. she has lost a lot of hair from doing this, and she also sheds skin like crazy. constant vacuuming and washing beds)
- she gets a cytopoint injection every 4 weeks and the vet has prescribed her food (to try and rule out food allergy; it’s like z/d something..?) and an omega 3 supplement as well. i’ve also been giving her a bit of manuka honey daily.
- around the time of her switching to this food, she started losing weight (from a little over 5lb to around 4.5, she’s always been small but this is a huge difference). i’ve informed the vet about this and they’ve seen her but they haven’t done anything.. however i go back in a week and i’m gonna bring this up again. she also will 90% of the time only eat/drink if she’s on my lap or in bed (aka she won’t go over to her bowl, and i’m not sure if she’s just doing this at this point because i’m allowing it?) which has been fine as i’m almost always home but it’s really not ideal and i’m concerned for the inevitable day i have to be out of the house for a long period of time.
- we have tried things like apoquel and ..another allergy medication i can’t remember the name of (apologies..) but they made no difference
- the one thing that made the biggest difference for her was going to the groomer multiple times a week for theraclean sessions but i moved about 4 hrs away last summer and can’t find anyone nearby that offers this so unfortunately this isn’t an option anymore.
i think that’s about it. we have been to 3 different vet clinics, and seen at least 6 different veterinarians (at one appointment, one doctor even took her back to consult with even more of them).
they’ve done bloodwork, taken samples, everything you can think of.. but i’m losing hope. she’s lethargic, likely depressed, and hasn’t wanted to play with any toys for at least a year and a half.. stopped doing her nightly laps around the couch about a month ago.., but she does get loud and energetic when my parents come home so i know she has some life in her still. i’ve dealt with a lot of my own health issues for the past few years and lived alone for like the first 3 years i had her, so i do feel guilty for how long she’s been suffering. however within the last 4 months or so since it got really bad we have been really trying our best to do all we possibly can to help her.

i have gotten an appointment with a vet dermatologist thankfully but it’s still a ways away and i’d just appreciate any advice or input if anyone else has dealt with anything similar in the meantime.
thanks for reading this far.

edit: here’s pics of her in 2020 vs now.
@catholic500 I’m pretty impressed with the workup your regular vet has done, and the lengths you have gone to. Dermatologist is definitely the next step and they may discuss things like advanced skin scrapes, skin biopsies, etc.
I really wish I could help, skin disease is frustrating beyond belief.
@redrabbit yeah, i really hope the dermatologist can help further 🤞

and i’m seriously so thankful for my current vet. the ones i went to in the past were super dismissive and would only ever send me home with a “good luck” and some shampoo, so i was really surprised with how much they’ve done!