Advice - companion animal for active 11 y/o female dog


New member
Hey all, looking for your perspectives about considering a companion animal for K. What are your experiences with “older” dogs that have lost their “siblings?”

Briefly, we have an 11 y/o active dog mix (“K”) that has always struggled with anxiety. Until September, she always had a “big sister,” “R,” who was 13 where she passed. R was the first “big sister” that K saw - we fostered K and her litter sisters, and after seeing how K interacted w/ R and what she needed in terms of running space, we kept her. They thrived. K wasn’t co-dependent physically, but she followed R’s reactions (or lack thereof, if that makes sense).

I’m scheduling a call with K’s vet this week - she knows K, she knew R, and is familiar with both pet-specifics and family dynamics.

I’m curious to know about others that have brought in another dog or cat in a similar situation. We’ve always adopted and expect to continue that way, so I’m down with suggestions for fostering (as long as we meet the foster organization‘s specifications). I work from home so while I’m not necessarily free 24/7 I’m fortunate to have some flexibility as long as I meet deadlines.