Adult Dog and Past Potty Training (Question)


New member
Does anybody here such silly incidence with their dog when potty training?

My dog is 1,5 year old Keeshond. He was indoor and outdoor trained as a puppy, but he refused to pee or poo on the special pee-pads designed for dogs. Surprisingly the problem with him peeing directly on the floor was resolved only when I bought the cat litter and a large litterbox. My dog weights 26kg at least at this moment and he still fit into his litterbox. I tried to train him to pee on pee-pads for several months (5 or 6 months) but he refused to... but when I changed the surface for indoor potty to litterbox filled with tiny-grained litter he suddenly learned to pee on it within about 1-2 months.

Maybe my dog is being secretely a cat in disguise not matter how large he is.🤣

He also have strange problem with not being able to hold his pee and he pees way too often large amounts of urine..- He have been checked by the vet by blood sampling, his urine got checked, he had USG for the bladder and kidneys. Results shown than he's completely healthy but mentioned issues is still existing. Does any of you had such issue with your doggies? Any advice?

My dog pees huge amount of urine like every 2 hours or less than 2h. He will be turning 2 years old in this year. No, he's definitely not marking his territory with such huge amount of urine. Especially he shouldn’t mark territory at house because he's neutred. There was an issue with him house marking before him being neutered so it looked completely different.