Adding a second ACD to the herd (see what I did there?)


New member
Hey y'all!

I rescued my first ACD back in November, she's a blue heeler and she'll be 3 in October. I've loved having her so much that I decided it was time to look into rescuing another heeler. I'm in the process of inquiring about a 5/6 y/o male red heeler who has a pretty much identical personality to hers. Both have histories of abuse and are skittish, tending to freeze and hide when afraid rather than get aggressive. Neither of them bark much if at all, and are huge couch potato cuddle bugs.

My girl seems to have been used as a breeding dog - when the shelter picked her up off the street in October of 2023 she had physical indicators that she had given birth somewhat recently and she has since been spayed. Because of this, her growth was stunted, so at her fully grown size she's only ~25 lbs and about the size of a spaniel, but lean and muscular. She is heartworm positive and receiving treatment, but the vet has assured us that she is otherwise in fine health.

The potential new boy was pretty horrifically abused the first couple years of his life. He was chained outside with no shelter in all kinds of weather, making him terrified of storms, burned, beaten with extension cords, and hit on the head so hard that he has a lazy eye from it. He is also heartworm positive and receiving treatment, and will be neutered April 15.

We will be meeting this new boy sometime after he is neutered, so probably a month from now. What can I do to prepare my girl for this? I am putting her comfort and welfare first before my desire to get another dog, and will not take him in if they truly don't get along. I know when it comes down to them meeting for the first time it needs to be on neutral ground so she doesn't get super territorial at home. Any tips on adding a new ACD or this whole situation in general are much appreciated!

ETA: she is friendly with other dogs but most owners are standoffish/scared of her because she looks like a mini Shepherd with her ears up :( the new boy is apparently friendly with other dogs as well!

TLDR: Potentially adding an older male rescue heeler to the house with my existing female rescue heeler, advice or tips appreciated!

Obligatory pic of my sweet girl, of course:
@husseximmo Neutral ground is a dog park. If either gives chase, or runs in fear, there are fences to keep them contained.

Neither should have a leash on during introduction, because restraining a dog during introduction can give the sense that there’s danger. Danger to a dog can mean fight the danger away.

Take another person with you. If there’s growling or snarling, remove the one that’s not snarling for their safety. If there’s a fight, grab the hind legs of the dogs and drag them backwards away from the fight.

Listening to your explanation, I don’t think there’s going to be any problems. Both will must likely be cautious.

It’s sad that the new boy was so abused. Give him at least three months to start trusting.

There’s lots of info about the 3-3-3 rule for adopting a dog.