Adding a new pup with 9 y/o GSD..


New member
My wife wants to get a Basset Hound to go along with our 9 y/o Otto. Does anyone have experience with these two breeds under one roof? I think Otto would be happy having a buddy to play with, but not sure how well the breeds get along?
@rachael3 I can give you the perspective from the opposite end. We had an eight year old beagle and brought in a gsd/bc mix puppy. The beagle is much happier having the company during the day. Although they aren't cuddle buddies by any means they get along absolutely great.

The only problem we have is the beagle destroys her dinner in about a minute or less. Where as it takes our mix a few minutes because she actually chews. She's more of a grazer and will leave her food and come back to it if she can. Having a beagle in the house brings those opportunities to about zero. The gsd mix bared her teeth and growled the first time and now our beagle gives her a few extra feet when she's eating haha.

Not the exact situation you're looking it but I think it's close enough to give you a good example.