ACD is somewhat lame in her back leg - ideas to burn her energy but keep her quiet?


New member
My ACD mix was favouring her back right leg after a nap last night, I thought it just fell asleep (she started walking in it in a few minutes) but she limped again this morning. So we’ve decided to keep her off it as much as possible for a while to see what happens.
She will be three in January, and typically walks 5 k per day and runs at least 30 minutes.
I spent some time trying to teach her ‘find’ this morning which she liked, but she’s going to lose her mind being inside.
We have a large property and I if she’s outside she can do quite a bit of running.

Anyway just looking for thoughts on ways to keep her occupied indoors so she doesn’t go crazy or terrorize the cats
@jocelyn1988 We’ve had this twice with mine. Anything to chew on is always helpful. Yak chews, beef cheeks, bully sticks, etc. We also like frozen kings and lick mats. All of her meals are in some kind of puzzle feeder or snuffle mat. We do lots of trick training. On the days all that isn’t enough….we sometimes cheat with some CBD treats to help her relax. Super Snouts brand is really great. Pricey, but they help.

Good luck! Hope she gets to feeling better soon!
@jocelyn1988 Get one of those KONG food puzzles. Our dogs gnaw on those things until they get it all. My ACD loves it. Get the bigger one not the tennis ball sized one.