A second dog?


New member
I currently have a now 7 month old standard poodle (male). The kids (I have a 5 year old and an 8 year old) would really like another dog. I wouldn’t mind either. What age is best for bringing another pet home? Walter, our spoo, is gentle, well behaved, and very calm for a puppy. He gets along well with other dogs - goes to doggy daycare several days a month. I would definitely lean toward a second poodle, since this has been such a great experience (he’s my first ever big dog, first poodle - I chose the breed for non-shedding and demeanor).

Thank you for any input.
@rightway2truth Wait until your spoo is an adult. Littermate syndrome isn’t limited to actual siblings, it can occur with any puppies raised in the same household. Also, your spoo is only 7 months — so presumably you’ve had him about 5 — and your young children are already clamoring for another dog? And you’re thinking of listening to them? I’m having a hard time understanding why you’d be swayed here. For a spoo sized dog you’re just entering what will likely be another trying stage in his development as he is a “teenager”. You still have a long way to go until he’s fully grown! Wait until he’s 2 at the minimum.
@mela900 I suppose we are interested in another because we haven’t had a trying time at all. He’s been the easiest dog I’ve ever had. I agree it’s probably too soon, but I’ve never had a single dog in my home and it just seems odd, I guess.
@rightway2truth I think you could make do now if you really wanted. Personally I would wait until the dog is 1.5-2 years or so. You're probably just on the cusp of doggy teen years and adolescent dogs can be a handful sometimes. Also it allows him to grow up into adulthood on his own and might make him a bit more confident.