A f*ckin MIRACLE


New member
My rescue Malinois, Dreidel (14 mo), is terribly reactive when people try to pet him, due to trauma before I got him. I’ve worked on socialization and desensitization non-stop since I adopted him. And yes, I have multiple “do not pet” signs on him. He will come up and sniff people and accept treats on his own terms, but touching is a no go, except for his “people”, which is like 4 of us and he has not allowed anyone new into his bubble. UNTIL NOW.

Over a number of months, I’ve run into a well known trainer here in Nola countless times at one of the dog parks. She slowly gained my Dreidel’s trust. We let it happen naturally, all on his clock and terms. And this past weekend, we decided to let her take him to her house for his first session, just to see how he would do. And well…I wish I could show the photo and video, but let’s just say….I couldn’t have imagined how well he did and just needed to share my joyful story. I am SO proud.