9 yr pitbull mix loves 6-7 yr Chihuahua mix, but sometimes sudden fights break out


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Hi! We've had Dog A (9yr Pittie mix female spayed) for 8 years of her life. She's a cute and loving dog, we got Dog B (then 2, now 6-7 Chihuahua mix also female spayed) and they've loved each other for such a long. The problem is that they occasionally get into scuffles that can be a bit scary. They don't end horrible, nothing more than a few scratches at most, but Sweetie gets so loud so suddenly. She won't show any fear or annoyance before the fight starts, no growling or anything. I want to point out that because its so sudden we usually can't tell who started it. The few times we have it would seem it was either of them that could have. Also to mention: We have a third dog (2 year chihuahua-pompom male NOT neutered) this dog was snuck in by my cousin. Both the other dogs get huffy with him sometimes but they don't growl or anything at him and hasn't started shown much aggression towards him (if any) so we've adopted him in for the time being at least. These fights have been going on since we got Dog B and usually the two love each other and give each other kisses and such. It doesn't happen very often either- maybe once every year or two. (Dog A and Dog C are mine now, but Dog B is my brothers),

It may be resource guarding behavior, but Im not too sure. The most recent fight that happened today happened around one of the toys Dog A got, but Dog B wasn't really interested in the toy, and after the fight, before we could separate them, dog B (who appeared to be the one attacked but again, we couldn't tell. Were really just guessing because the first thing we saw was Dog A on top of Dog B.) Dog B had gone back over to Dog A and started excessively licking her. We don't know if this is a fear reaction or submission, but it seemed really out of place since Dog B (the smaller dog that is doing the licking) often times humps Dog A in a playful way and is always the one initiating play. I know the two are getting up in their years and may just be getting crankier, but its actually gotten less common after the years.

I've been trying to figure out whats going on here, and what to do. The dogs usually love each other and lick and play together, even sleep together sometimes. Its hard to know where to go since every time I try to ask people to keep her training consistent (since I live with others, including my brother) I get told they won't because it seems abusive (like having my dog wait 5-10 seconds quietly to go outside) and my brother won't train his dog beyond simple tricks.

I'm a bit disappointed in myself too as I've been trying to search up becoming a dog trainer. I don't have the time for a bunch of courses, but I feel as though I should know what to do but I don't. I tried reading through some of the resources on this sub none of it really seemed to fit this situation. Any help/CONSTRUCTIVE criticism would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
@alaskazimm You won't get anywhere without your household on board unfortunately. I would introduce them to something - a book, YouTube trainer, or some external authority since they won't listen to you - that will explain why, just as with children, giving dogs appropriate training and structure is the opposite of abuse - and that actually failing to provide it is neglectful and unsafe and makes them insecure and poorly adjusted.

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