9 y/o Min Pin suddenly extra reactive around front door now that newborn is in the house


New member
Could use some advice and/or tips as we are a fearing that another issue will lead to family members pressing for action.

Our boy Min Pin is ultra protective of our 2 month old newborn which was heart warming at first. Whenever someone comes over to visit the baby, he and our 3 y/o girl Chihuahua mix go ballistic around the front door. We can settle them down in less than a minute and everything is fine sans some embarrassment.

The girl chi is immediately happy and cuddly with any visitors and is not a problem. She only barks because she is following the older dogs lead. The boy pin is constantly on high alert and is always checking out the visitors and will even follow the baby from lap to lap when he is passed around.

Our biggest issue so far occurs whenever our visitor goes to leave. He gets agitated and starts the barking parade all over again. In the last 2 seperate visits we had, he chased my MIL and bit her on the ankle as she was walking out of the door. Yesterday, he jumped up on a couch by the front door and bit my FIL on the arm through his jacket as he was leaving.

As annoying as it is, if my wife and I are both home, we can prepare and restrain him in advance as he only weighs 10 lbs (although he doesn't realize it). However, there will come a day when one of us are not around or able to grab him ahead of time.

We are beyond embarrassed and now fearful of his reactivity that is being triggered by outsiders coming in and out of the front door. It is like he has tunnel vision to get whoever is leaving as he has went for an ankle and an upper arm with the aid of a couch.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated as I love him as annoying as he is. All I want is for him to enjoy his remaining years alongside the begining years of my sons life as he really seems to just be overprotective of my son and has not shown any sign of reactivness pr hostility to the baby so far. Long post, I know, but this has been an unforeseen stressful part of our new life as parents.
@ulrike Sounds like he's resource guarding the baby, which can be dangerous if it escalates. I'd be hiring a trainer with experience in the area. In the meantime, management and prevention are key. Can you set up baby gates or an xpen for when you have visitors? I'd definitely be keeping him away from the door and wherever the baby is while people are around