9 Week Old Puppy Died at Puppy School Today


New member
I'm still in shock and disbelief so bear with me in my writing of this.

I brought home my mini longhaired dachshund, Olive, about a week and a half ago at 8 weeks old. I waited for her for about 6 months and was so excited to bring her home and have a dog of my own for once.After some serious vetting of puppy schools and with approval from her vet, I found a semi-luxury puppy school with rave reviews, that guaranteed she would only be with other puppies of same vaccination rate (signed off and approved by vet before anyone comes for me there), and that due to her size she would be monitored and kept away from the larger puppies at all times, only briefly exposed to them for socialization purposes. She had a consultation with the school prior to her drop off where they approved her and her size for the other puppies in the class.

I got a call about 2 hours after dropping her off with them this morning that there was an accident with another puppy and I needed to come to the vet. In my mind, I was thinking broken leg or back, etc. When I arrived they told me they had put her in a pen with a 15lb bernadoodle puppy, unsupervised, and only heard my 3lb girl yelp in pain, then crawl to a corner and stop breathing. They tried CPR on her where she unfortunately did not make it. The vet said she died from internal bleeding, presumably from being stepped on by this other dog.

I'm distraught and beside myself. I've read this page religiously seeking answers to calm my anxieties about keeping her alive from everything else, and it seems luck was not on my side in this case. My gut told me she shouldn't have gone to the school, but everyone else reassured me the risk was so low vs an underexposed dog, and she would be absolutely fine.

Idk why I'm posting this, maybe seeking reassurance that I'll be able to love another dog again without crippling fear of this happening again, or maybe just seeking words of comfort from other puppy owners. Who knows. I'm just heartbroken.

ETA: I'm not going to respond to comments asking why she was in puppy school at 9 weeks old. I’m trying so hard to not feel guilty or responsible for my role in this enough as it is. I mentioned it above. The school offered classes for puppies 8-16 weeks old 3x a week from 9-5 with one-on-one parent training separate which I had signed up for too. The vet approved it with her shot rounds and I know many people who sent their pups at 8/9 weeks to this same school. I live in a major city where there are more dogs than kids (a fact), and it's encouraged to socialize them at younger ages here due to the exposure they definitely will experience here. It's not uncommon.
@mantaeee I know. It’s unfathomable. I asked so many times for assurance she wouldn’t be put with puppies that big and they told me every time it wouldn’t be a problem. It’s so upsetting.

I am asking for compensation for the cost of her + all items pertaining to her the last 10 days but the more I think about it it still just doesn’t feel like enough. Nothing probably will, but maybe legal action is the move.