8mo Old Golden developed massive separation anxiety overnight?


New member
So we have been dog owners for years, and we have two goldens. One is 8 months old and was extremely chill, until earlier this week. She has suddenly started freaking out, seems to be massive separation anxiety. We’ve been working from home during the pandemic but we come and go, and have gone out for day trips or to dinner and left the dogs home, and she seems fine. Happy to see us come home but normal.

Suddenly she’s afraid we are going to leave. If I go in my office for an hour when I come out she will not stop jumping on me, panting. Like we have been away for days. My wife said she thinks it started when our front storm door blew open on a windy day a few days ago, she got freaked out. Hasn’t been the same since. I’m not so sure as I think it has more to do with our two oldest going off to college. They went away 2 weeks ago but the anxiety really started in the last few days.

She is laying on my legs right now on the couch and finally calm. But if I try to get up she starts jumping and panting. Last night she slept in the bedroom on the floor like always and was fine. Even slept in a little after we left the room. But now during the day she’s freaking out. Can this all come on so quickly, from 0 to 100mph?

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