8 y/o Coton de Tulear newly adopted -- shaking with fear


New member
she was an ex breeding dog from a reputable breeder. i don't think she was mistreated. she's only had two litters.

it's only her third day with me, so i know i should be patient. but her fear/anxiety is getting worse-- she won't come out of her crate for more than 2-3x for 30 seconds at a time. i haven't forced her to come out or do anything, except when it's time for a walk (after 12 hrs!). i literally have to drag her out. today is the first day that i actually saw her shaking and obsessively licking her paws as well :(

she even tried to run away today as well. :(

it all just breaks my heart to see her suffer like this. what can i do? i already only walk her twice a day (because she doesn't want to leave her crate AT ALL) and hasn't had any issues with pee/poop. she's also holding her pee for like 12 hrs at a time, which is super unhealthy.

one positive: she seems pretty happy when we're out on a walk. she also makes no noise at all (no snarling, no whining, no barking) which is weird. yesterday we walked for 2 hrs and let me give her treats. but like i said today she started shaking with fear, started refuse any treats, and obsessively lick her paws (i know this is anxiety driven).

so idk, feel like we're taking steps back.

i've taken friends' dogs into my home for dog boarding before, like 1-10 day arrangements. none behaved like this :(
@barbarossa Take her to the vet and ask about medication for depression/separation anxiety and acute anxiety.

This dog sounds like she is confused and suffering. The medications will help her through the transition to a new home, which can take a month or longer.

The medications don't have to be forever, once the dog has been stable for 6 months, under the guidance of your vet you may be able to gradually taper her off the medication and see how she does.

Some medications take a couple of weeks to show effectiveness, others work right away. Discuss with your vet, your dog may need both initially.

Good luck

PS: She is probably missing her former family/living arrangement and doesn't understand what has happened. She'll need time and a lot of patience.