8-week old puppy. When to start enforcing naps?


New member
We picked up our Coton puppy on Friday. He's 8-weeks and 2 days old. He's really been fine over the weekend other than we didn't realize the breeder had pee-pad trained him and all he did was savage the nice sod box we'd made him. Honestly, grass everywhere. So pee-pads it is until he can go outside.

During the day, he does not want to sleep in his crate for naps. He screams and cries if he's even put in the pen for a few moments and I go to the bathroom. I'm cool with letting him cry until he falls asleep for a nap, but should we be starting that this young? On one hand I want him to learn that screaming won't get you anything and he needs to sleep, but on the other I feel like he's so tiny and he's only been here for 2 full days and he needs time.

Will I mess him up if we let him cry it out now, or should we give him a few days or week to settle in? He only slept for 30 minutes this morning outside his crate on the floor and we're trying to follow the 1-ish-hours up 2-hours down but he's really not having it.

Puppy tax (if I didn't mess it up): Bumper!
@jehu22 I have a Shih Tzu Bichon and wish I had started enforcing naps on day 1. I learned on here to enforce the regular nap schedule. My pup whines a lot at first in the crate but adjusted. I would cover the crate with a blanket for nap time. Good luck!
@jehu22 Cotons are very oriented toward their owners - a true companion breed.

I would try crating him after 45 minutes of being awake, including some good play activity and "running around" in a natural puppy way, so that he is tired. Then sit right there next to the crate and provide whatever support he needs. The more you help him relax and gain a calm mindset in the crate, the better the final results.

However, if he just cannot be calmed in the crate, I think it's fine to give him a few days to settle in and then try again. He really does need a lot of sleep though, so you'll have to figure out some way to ensure this happens even outside of the crate.
@allaloneuk Oh yes, even after 2 days in our home he already is very attached to me over the other members of the household. We've let him sleep outside the crate so far and he's been very calm and sleeping on and off for several hours. Yesterday I did sit with him and pet him until he fell asleep in the crate, then I shut the door but he only lasted about an hour. I'll continue to do this, thank you!