7 yr old spayed female w/ incontinence


New member
My vet said this was something that happens to spayed females as they get older.
Seems to usually happen to my girl when she falls asleep. Sometimes if her bladder is full she’ll full on pee and not even realize it.
Currently washing my sheets bc she had an accident on the bed.
Vet recommended Proin to help but I don’t want her taking meds if there’s another solution.

Anyone have any holistic approaches that might help?

I take her out about 3-4 times a day. As early and late as possible. No water in the evenings.
Not a fan of the diapers.
This pee schedule typically works well but I’d like to have something fool proof for when I do decide to have her sleep in bed with me.

@andee Aw poor kid. Sometimes there’s issues with spay incontinence , sometimes not. Other than really monitoring her water intake and getting a perfect schedule there isn’t much you can do besides the diapers (to my knowledge). They make belly bands for males and those are awesome, but it’s not as easy for the ladies.

If you’re going to have her in bed you should get one of those plastic covers for under your sheets so it doesn’t soak your mattress.

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