7 M/O Bernese Aggression Twords Yellow Lab


New member
Hi guys and gals. I am in need of some help here. I have 4 dogs, a 8 y/o yellow lab, 7 m/o Bernese puppy, 13 y/o chihuahua poodle mix, and a 3 y/o husky poodle mix.

My new Bernese just bit my lab after I had called him from the other room and drew blood. Two small gashes on his ear and a puncture wound on his face. My Lab always avoids confrontation. The Bernese and the lab are mostly together inside.

When I call my lab, my Bernese usually lets out a bark and then comes to me as if he’s saying “hey what don’t forget about me” and that’s been normal and we figured it was fine. (This is important)

What Happen tonight is. I called my lab. The Bernese puppy let a bark out like usual and came over to me while I’m sitting on the couch. I pet him and then maybe a minute or two later my lab finally came over and my Bernese for some reason got mad and tried pushing my lab away, but my lab has a interdigital cyst on his paw so in the midst of him getting angry for coming to me calling him, he stepped on that paw which caused the lab to yelp and use his mouth to say “hey that hurts!” Which made my Bernese actually bite him and draw blood. It all happened very quick, legitimately under a second.

I’m not exactly sure what to do here. I obviously pulled my Bernese off of my lab and I scolded him and put him in his kennel. Then I made sure my lab was okay and cleaned his ear up cause he bit close to the tip of his ear and I didn’t want him to have blood on it and make sure it’s clean. Can someone point me in the right direction so I can make sure this doesn’t happen again? All of the dogs pretty much get equal attention. The only thing that’s not equal is the lab gets pain medicine for his arthritis and so he gets a pill pocket in the morning and night.

Edit: one thing to note is the Bernese we’ve had since he was 3 months old. Same with my lab. My Bernese is very friendly other than this one occasion. He plays with the husky all day everyday. They all get exercise. All of them eat in separate bowls but drink from one giant water bowl. My lab is 99% independent as far as going out the dog door to go to the bathroom and doesn’t chew or rip anything up so he’s inside most of the time as where the bernese is put with the hoodle and the little dog outside.

This is a repost from r/dogs

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