7.5 month pup, with me since a week, 2 questions


New member
Hi, a week ago I adopted a 29 week old pup. He has been settling very well and behaves good. I am a first time dog owner and have run into 2 "issues".

First issue is health related. Since yesterday he has been coughing and kinda wretching from time to time, like something is stuck in his throat maybe? After he just swallow a couple times and goes back to sleep or whatever. I've done some googling and it could be Kennel Cough? Is that plausible? Do I go to the vet?

Second issue has been on walks, specifically ones in my neighbourhood. He doesn't want to continue walking. He keeps turning around looking at the way back to the house. On the way back he basically wants to sprint all the way. It takes me 15 minutes walking away from the house and within a couple minutes we are back home. Is he maybe tired? Is it because he is still adjusting? When we take walks at a place he's unfamiliar with, like in the woods for example, it's fine. I don't think it's because he is exhausted.

Any advice would be much appreciated!
@mhandy1 It’s possible that your dog has kennel cough, usually it sounds like they’re clearing their throat. If the cough is persistent then I would take him to the vet.

Second, dogs are just weirdos sometimes. We’ve got a little dog right now and she likes to walk, but she’s definitely more enthusiastic about walking towards the house than away from it.

Theres a lot of reasons for this, there could be some part of his routine after walks that he’s excited about (maybe dinner or a treat), or maybe the weather isn’t favorable for him and he’s cold. If it’s wet or cold where you live maybe get him a jacket. He might also just be adjusting to walking with you, on the way out from a walk he doesn’t know where you plan to go, but on the way back he can lead the way because he knows where you’re going. It’s really not something you should overthink.
@kate2018 Thank you for your answer!

It does sound like he’s clearing his throat. I’ll wait and see how it develops.

It is kinda cold and wet where I live, but I don’t think he has a problem with that. He comes from Bulgaria where the winters are a lot colder. It does rain more over here but he hasn’t hesitated once when going outside in the rain. He is kinda shy tho. On walks, everytime he sees a car, bike or child he just stands still looking at them. For dogs its sometimes the same other times he gets very excited and wants to go to them. My guess would be he is just most comfortable at home

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