6mo Old Puppy - Lost some sheen on coat - how to revive?


New member
Our Pup coat is not as shiny as when it was 3-4mo old Odie is 6 mo now and on Purina Pro Plan Puppy food with supplement (fresh veg - brocolli / Carrots / Cauliflower / lettuce and 1 hard boiled egg a day)

Is there something we are missing to keep or get his shine on his coat back ?


@nlu Puppy coats change multiple times as they grow and mature. Chasing a shiny coat in a puppy is generally futile, as you are battling both maturation and seasonal coat changes.
@nlu Of course! Real Dog Box has a Treat Box that has a great mix of fresh muscle meat, organ meat (nutrient dense), and seafood treats if you are looking for fresh seafood options to feed too!

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