6 y/o Goldendoodle Mystery Injury


New member
My 6 year old 80lb Goldendoodle is a big goofy, lazy animal. A few days ago he hurt himself somehow. I didn't see the injury, but my assumption is he slipped and fell on the hardwood floors. That evening he was acting normal, but throughout the night I noticed some lethargy. He would go up or down stairs or anything. The next morning he wouldn't even get out of his bed. I had to carry him outside and when I set him down to pee he would just stand there trembling and would sort of try to take maybe a single step. I'd take him back inside and he would just collapse on his bed as if he hind legs didn't even work. I felt his legs and nothing felt off. He didn't react too badly to me putting some pressure at each joint either.

I wanted to take him to the vet, but being a Saturday the only option was an emergency vet which I was not too keen on paying for. I had some leftover Carprofen from my other dog, so I gave the Goldendoodle a 100mg Caprofen which is about 70% of the dose suggested for his weight.

Fast forward to Saturday evening. I carry him outside again and set him down. Again he stand there and will not move. I'm petting him for a bit then take a few steps away. He limps a few steps to me. Then a few more. Then he starts walking with hardly a limp at all. By late that night he was walking as if nothing was wrong at all and has continues to show zero signs of injury or pain since then.

So in conclusion I'm trying to decide whether he actually is hurt or if he is just the biggest baby in the world. I also have read about mini strokes or something along those lines that can take away limb function in dogs very temporarily. Either way, it was just so odd for him to go from lethargic unable to hold his body up, to walking and running as if nothing was wrong in 24 hours.


@ericanicolee I would absolutely take him to a regular vet this week, it’s hard to know for sure but he could have torn one or both of his CCL’s, have hip dysplasia, soft tissue injury, etc. could be a number of things, but you’ll never know what until you see a veterinarian. He probably starting walking normally due to the Carprofen.
@williamfrawley1887 I think it helped, but I only gave him the one dose. So I was surprised that when it wore off he was acting completely normal. I'll probably set him up a vet visit though. Unfortunately the vets where I live can't get you in for a week or two unless you're lucky.
@ericanicolee CVT - so you're right to think he slipped and tweaked something. If he had a relatively continuous limp on a back leg I'd be worried about an ACL tear. The general discomfort and lethargy may be suggestive of a back or neck injury. These dogs will become resistant to exercise and may especially not want to go up or down stairs, jump on the couch, may hold the head funny or have generally weird posture. Rest him and if it continues see the vet to check for back and neck, limb pain. The carprofen looks like it helped which reinforces this. I can't tell you to give it but if he feels better on it and then worse off, he's got pain or inflammation and an exam is best to be safe and get him more meds if he needs it.
@honoringintimates I gave him the one dose of Carprofen at probably 11am Saturday. By 6pm he was walking around as if nothing was wrong and hasn't had any limp or anything since then. It's like he's not feeling any pain or discomfort anymore which seems odd since he was acting like his leg was completely non functional earlier that day. I'm still going to schedule a vet visit, but I was just thrown off by him going from unable to walk at all to walking and trotting around like nothing happened in the same day.