5 month old puppy swallowed his tag


New member
My 5 month old puppy swallowed his tag, his picture is in the link wearing it for size reference:


He only swallowed the tag itself and not the big ring clip so thank God but I’m still very worried. Lots of the reading I’ve done says it will most likely just pass but given how big he is relative to the size of the tag, should I be worried? What else can I do in this situation? We live in a rural area with no 24/7 vets so the earliest I can take him is ~12 hrs from now.
@stumpy82 Even if it's too far to drive could you call your closest emergency vet for advice. Sometimes a vet will instruct you to give hydrogen peroxide to make your dog throw up, but there are some scenerios where the risk of using hydrogen peroxide is more then the risk of the object(like if the vet is confident it will pass, or if the object could be a choking hazard when thrown up) so you shouldn't use it unless you explain the situation to a vet and are told to use/how much hydrogen peroxide.
@stumpy82 Call the vet, watch dog closely if dog start vomiting or can't poop normally or see blood in stool get to vet immediately. If it doesn't pass vet will need to perform exploratory surgery to get it out.

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