5 month old puppy possessive of me when I try to give our other dog attention

Hey there!

My hubby and I have had our 5 month old red heeler, Geordi, for about a month now. He’s awesome. Super smart, loving, and playful. We have a 2.5 year old pit mix, Riker, and he and the pup play and get along great for the most part. I’m having an issue though when Riker wants to come sit on my lap or play tug with me. Geordi will snap at Riker’s face to prevent this. Geordi does it more with me than with my husband. Geordi isn’t a cuddler but will be sitting at my feet.

My trainer recommended that when this happens to pick Geordi up (gently and without saying anything) and put him in another room for a 1 minute time out. Once the minute is up, let him out without saying anything. She says this’ll teach him (eventually) that when he acts like this then what he wants (me) isn’t accessible.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried things that have worked. We’ve had Riker since he was a pup and he is a HUGE cuddler and I don’t want him sad because of the puppy’s possessiveness.

puppy tax
@youwantmetodowhat That sounds like good advice, but... We have a red that does this. Get's between you and the blue heeler every time. Get's between you and the grandkids too. And she is the new arrival, not the older one. Probably the owner's fault, but there it is...
@jane081624 It’s so hard lol. He’s so sweet and loves our other pooch a ton - but doesn’t like it when our older pooch wants to get to me. But he’s gotta learn that it isn’t ok. They’re so protective lol

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