5 mo Husky/Heeler puppy is way too clingy, I can’t even leave the room without a loud, messy meltdown


New member
I adopted a sweet husky/heeler girl 6 days ago. Whenever I leave a room, even across a baby gate or tie her outside while I am inside within view of the door, she freaks the heck out barking and whining and sometimes peeing on the floor. She follows me very closely whenever she can, to the point the I step on her paws multiple times a day. I am her second owner, but she did not have this behavior when her first owner dropped her off, and it has been getting increasingly drastic over the past week. I work as a nanny full-time, so it’s possible for me to bring her to work with me every day. On the second day I had her, she ran around with my client’s 3 dogs all day, barely even acknowledging me. Each day I feel she gets clingier and today we are back at the same client’s, and she won’t leave my side, if I close the baby gate she’ll bark nonstop until I open it. I have only ever left her with my partner that I got the puppy with as “coparents”, and this has been for extremely short periods of time. I feel like maybe I should coddle her a bit until she feels secure since she is with her second owner, but I can’t have her peeing in my client’s homes or needing so much attention that it inhibits my ability to do my job to my standards.