5 m.o. puppy marking inside


New member
My cockapoo turned five months recently and started peeing inside occasionally after having no accidents for several weeks. At first, I assumed it was potty training regression. But then on our walks I noticed he would stop several times in different spots to pee, which was new. I realized he was marking, and now, sometimes he does it inside. There seems to be no pattern; it’s happened at any time of day, and regardless of how recently he’s just peed outside. I’d say he does this 2-3 times a week now.

How can I nip this in the bud? I clean up all pee with a lot of enzyme cleaner, and I’ve started rewarding him with treats outside again. What else should I be doing? I’ve also heard neutering helps with marking—is that true? (Will be getting him neutered in a few months.)

@sgkkaa Are you noticing any patterns in terms of where he is marking? e.g. if it always seems to be a certain table leg, a good first step would be to gate him out of that area.
@kdbeats_91 Thanks for the reply! He almost always goes on the carpet near my stairs. Unfortunately, gating this area off is very difficult because of how my apartment is set up. I may be able to block it off with the xpen he outgrew. I’ll give it a try!
@sgkkaa Since it’s a carpet rather than a hard surface, a regular enzymatic spray might not be doing the trick. Try to find something foaming and really brush it into the carpet fibers, and be sure to get underneath of the carpet too!