4 year old pit Bull cancer advice


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I just discovered my 4 year old pitbull has cancer, he has a mast cell tumor under his front leg, it has gotten very big in only 2 weeks and they vets think it is aggressive, we haven’t got the full results from the biopsy saying how far it has spread and what stage it is, we plan on doing a ultrasound to find out more but in two weeks, my question is is there any natural remedies/supplements we could give him to help him fight it off/keep from spreading? I’ve heard of turkey tail mushrooms but don’t know much about it. He’s on a lot of pain medication as well as other things. We are hoping for a miracle and will do anything we can to help him. Is there any recommendations of what we could do for him?
@wwjosh19 I Just had my dogs leg amputated due to soft tissue sarcoma. The tumor was removed but came back 2 months later. He was on Turkey tail, CBD health, whole food diet, probiotics and omega 3. Unfortunately it didn’t help for him - but the amputation so far should have been curative. We have wide margins on the tissue, just waiting on the bone biopsy still.

Good luck to you and your pup and I hope it’s a low grade! It’s awful and scary. My dog had his amputation 4 weeks ago and he is doing great - first time he seems back to himself in months :)
@wwjosh19 Unfortunately cancer, especially malignant cancer, isn't going to be effected by homeopathic remedies. The last cell tumor is gonna need to be removed surgically, and then the rest treated with medication your vet will supply to help fight off any potential spread.

I'm sorry, and this sucks! I hope it's localized and can be removed easily! I'm rooting for your pup!
@marinahina Thank you, it’s just he can’t get his ultrasound until about almost 2 weeks, and I’m worried if it hasn’t already spread it could in the time until then, so I was just thinking maybe there’s something he could take or eat until then to possibly slow the spread or tame it some until then.
@wwjosh19 I had a Pitbull with cancer. The first surgery to remove cancer bought her a year. The second one was too much for her little body and she never quite recovered.

I wish you and your pet the best.

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