4 m.o. puppy uncontrollable. Any tips?


New member
4 month old puppy is so hyper. Runs around the house ruining and breaking things and bites everything. When we try to calm her down, she bites our hands and its deep enough to leave a mark but not deep enough for our hands to bleed. She was hyper before but not this much. Now, everytime we touch her, she goes in for our hands. We give her toys to bite but she still very much prefer our hands and its hurting. How do I teach her to calm and stay put? When training, I can barely manage to teach her to sit and then jumps on me the next minute.
@rrobsr How much sleep is your pup getting? If you aren’t enforcing naps- I highly suggest it. Life changing.

Another suggestion is to start teaching Karen Pryor’s relaxation protocol. It involves having a mat and when it goes down on the floor- your pup goes to it, lays down and chills. We started this training at 16 weeks and are doing pretty good at 18 weeks now!
@rrobsr Our puppy gets into this mood sometimes too. Honestly, our solution is to take him outside for a walk/play to get all his energy out. He is usually much more calm after. Sometimes it also works to distract him with a short (about 10 min) training session, which also tired him out and calms him down, although it sounds like your puppy might have trouble concentrating when in that mode. I’ve also noticed that sometimes he gets super crazy and out of control because he has to poop 🤷🏻‍♀️