4 days of Diarrhea in Doggo


New member
Vet booked for Friday. 11 year old mutt has had diarrhea at normal/twice daily intervals for 4 days now. She seems fine otherwise. Eating (changed to rice/hamburger) well, no bloating or discomfort and seems to be herself. I just recovered from Covid and thought maybe that’s it. Did an antigen test for fun, but tests negative.
Any ideas to helps get her poops poop shaped before Friday?
@carla Im not sure if hamburger is recommended, most suggest boiled or unseasoned chicken with rice. Pumpkin though is really good for getting them on track. I think a few spoon fulls with every meal is good? Might want to confirm for the amount though.
@carla My go to meal when my dogs are having tummy issues is plain brown rice, boiled chicken, and butternut squash. They really like it and I've had good success with it.

There is also a bland diet wet food that you can buy. My vet gave it to me last time my oldest pup was having some tummy issues. It worked but he didn't seem to enjoy it as much as the homemade meal.
@carla Yes vets always recommend rice and boiled chicken. But if your dog has an allergy to chicken then you can boil another meat they regularly eat.

Nothing too fatty of course as you want their poop not to get more runny or goopy.
Thank you! That’s a lot of really good information. She has been drinking a little bit more than normal, so I think she’s taking care of herself hydration wise. And today she had something that resembled a poop albeit soft, so hopefully she’s on the mend. Interesting about the probiotic I will have to spend some time looking at that.
@carla Hi hi!

Great Q.

Honestly, I had a scare with my dog a few months back. Similar to this. She had diarrhea for a few days, one day was every couple hours.

If they aren’t in pain or acting weird it might just be a little bug. Good that you booked an appointment. It may even clear up before then.

When our dog is having stomach issues, we don’t give them any new food and stick to completely bland diet.
We do her normal kibble and water and add a cup of cooked rice. If it’s not meal time I will give her a half cup of rice to help firm up the poop too. Reminder to keep them hydrated however possible since they are losing liquid too (just like humans). I like switching up the water on her kibble for broth and I will give her broth in between meals as well to make sure she’s getting lots of fluids.

I also would recommend, if your pup has regular bouts of diarrhea when they eat something new (or for seamingly no reason), to add a probiotic for gut health to their meals. We’ve been doing this for our dog (sometimes daily but mostly sporadically) and her gut health has improved tremendously! I use adored beasts gut health pre/pro-biotic but there are other similar ones to this as well.

Please note my dog is 80-85lbs lab mix. She eats 5 cups of kibble per day. (We do 4 cups and snacks/added meats/etc.)
@timsim373 Thanks for asking. Her poop has graduated from squirts to soft and formed, so I think she’s getting better. Will phone vet when they open and see if I should give her a couple more days. She still asks for walkies and treats and sctitches, so everything seems pretty good.

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