3 year old maltipoo w/ food aggression and snaps randomly


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I have a 3 year old maltipoo (i think), S/M size, 15-20 lbs. He is very smart, learned a bunch of tricks, very obedient, sweet, and always by our side. Got my dog from a seller on craigslist during covid. Think he was raised in a bad environment. The person who sold him to us gave us a birth certificate that was in Spanish. First time taking him to the vet for a wellness checkup after taking him home, the vets told us that he was younger than 3 months since his teeth were not even in yet. He then had parvo and was able to save him. First couple of months were rough after. He had kennel cough and coccidia in a span of 6 months. He’s also had some kind of mild food aggression when he was growing up. Then tried to work on it and couldn’t stop it. Sent him to boarding school for it but felt like it made it worse when he came back. We were told to try to hand feed but we couldn’t get it down. Trying to hand feed was a risk. So my fiancé and i just accepted it and would just leave him alone when he’s eating. Now that we live back with with other people, it’s a little scary. I’ve been bit by him a couple of times before. He’s bit my family members multiple times in the past. Lately he’s bit my family member and it seems like he doesnt recognize me lately. I’m not too sure but we just gave him flea meds cause he has fleas but i’ve read that it can cause some kind of confusion I think. I dont know what to do with him im very close to putting him away he has no where to go. Last week after taking him out over the weekend, he’s been so good. Like he is back to normal, but still worried about biting anybody else. We want to try again and get him help with the vet and pet behaviorist. My mother, who is on blood thinners wants to take him and we want to do everything we can to fix this issue before sending him to my parents. I dont want to give up on him just yet. Hes still brings joy to our lives but recently bit my dad in law’s hands. I wonder if this is curable? He has never gone up to someone and attack but he does have food aggression and irritation when touched at times. One moment he wants you to pet him and then one moment he snaps and then sometimes he apologizes and wants you to rub him again. He has severe food aggression. We’ve tried hand feeding the moment he sees the kibbles go into our hands he already knows whats happening and gets angry defensive. I feel like he has lost trust with us because we are trying something.

We don’t wanna give up on him, we are willing to try meds and more training. We’ve read about meds and how it helped their dogs.

Would love to get any input, recommendations, or just anything from you guys!

I also made a separate post regarding pet insurance that would cover a pet behaviorist consult cost. I didn’t want to post this on there bec i was afraid that it might get overlooked.

Thank you in advance!
@grammyjean This is why you don’t purchase dogs from places like craigslist. A cheap, poorly bred dog will just result in you paying thousands in vet bills, training, and more.

You should absolutely consult a behaviorist and be very open to meds. The way meds help balance out a human’s brain chemistry is the same for dogs. Meds should not be the sole improvement — you have to use meds as a means of making behavior modification training easier.

However, hearing how many times your dog has bitten and poses a big safety risk, it may be worth consulting a vet or others with experience in BE for their perspective. Your dog could be living in fear or pain every day, and sometimes BE is the kinder alternative.
@grammyjean Stop hand feeding. It's often touted as a fix for resource guarding, but for many dogs it's pretty aversive as it puts a lot of social pressure on them and their food. He needs a safe place where he can eat his meals in peace.

For the petting, it sounds like maybe he doesn't really enjoy being petted all that much. The behaviors you describe after he snaps, where he seems to become loving again, almost sound like appeasement behaviors rather than really him wanting more attention. I would only pet him if he comes to you for the time being, and just do a couple of pets then stop and see if he really does want more.

If you can get an appointment with a veterinary behaviorist, that would be great. Meds may help quite a bit. I would also ask them or your regular vet for a full exam, specifically checking to make sure he is orthopedically sound and isn't in pain as that may be a reason he doesn't enjoy being petted.
@grammyjean i have a similar situation. my 2 year old maltipoo is an absolute doll. she’s incredibly smart (too smart), sweet, loves giving a million “kisses”, and is the epitome of a lap dog, she looks like a teddy bear… but she has the aggressive side…

it started suddenly and happens so quickly. she’ll snap and growl at my roommate and me and bite if she’s triggered. she doesn’t have food aggression or even territorial tendencies toward her toys/treats, but being touched incorrectly really upsets her and it breaks my heart. i’ve only ever been gentle with her, but her socialization was lacking.

i’ve seen countless people talk about a behaviorist asap and i am going to. she deserves to feel comfortable and understand her surroundings, especially at home.

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