2yr old dog w/ Urinary Incontinence. Any idea why?


New member
I want to start off by saying that a vet has already looked over my dog and diagnosed her themselves as well as giving me no definite answer as to why my dog has urinary incontinence.
I’m at a point where i have no idea what to do. I just began giving her the start of a life long medication (she’s only two) to help control her pee but today has been absolute hell.
It kills me knowing that she’s just sitting in her own urine soaked fur while i’m away at work, even if it’s only for 4 hours at a time I don’t want her to develop any skin issues.

- dog spayed in July 2022, about 10 months age. No issues with urinating besides peeing out of excitement and fear.
- abdominal surgery 2023 in November. just past 2yrs old. immediately after surgery issues with peeing only. cannot control bladder while laying down. pees in sleep, and while awake.
- Last month took her to her Vet to get checked, no urinary infection, her blood diagnostics were taken back in November so they were fairly recent - 3 months ago. Everything was healthy.
- She has “low” urine concentration, but not to where it’s considered the main cause for inconsistencies so her Vet couldn’t give me a reason why she’s like this now. I asked her if the surgery was the cause, she said no. That my dog is too young to develop inconsistencies from surgery.

Should I change her food, water bowl, shampoo, treats, anything that would affected her ability to control her bladder. Her activity levels??
What have people done besides giving medication? I’ve looked into acupuncture therapy but that might be a last resort if I can’t find a way to help my dog at home.

I feel like there has to be an underlying reason why this all started with her. Again her vet said it was VERY unlikely this developed from surgery and i want to know if anyone has any suggestions for what could’ve caused this, anyone who has a similar experience with their own pet, I would like to know how you handled this.

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