2 y/o Lab lashes out on puppy


New member
My 2 year old male Chocolate Labrador lashed out on a puppy on my walk this evening.

I’m trying my best not to use “attack” because it wasn’t really an attack… there was no blood or or bite or anything like that.

Basically I was walking my dog and we can across a 4 month old puppy and I went to go say hi because my dog is a VERY typical Lab. He’s super goofy and happy and gentle. After about 5 mins of talking with the owner. My dog just goes nuts and growls/barks/lashes out and “attacks” it. The puppy just squeals like crazy and i pull my dog away.

SO uncharacteristic of my dog. I didn’t even no what to say. He’s NEVER done that.

Any advice on what happened or what to do next? Am i being dramatic? I kind of think the puppy was annoying him and that was his way of telling the puppy to quit it but I’m not sure am I just making stuff up?

My wife and I just had a baby… does that have to do with anything? Thanks in advanced

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