2 Q's- Entertaining a puppy & getting her focused


New member
Hiya! I rescued a 6-month old FMD puppy earlier this month, and so far she's been adapting really well. She is SUPER smart and picks up on commands quickly, but it's extremely hard to get her attention if we are anywhere other than indoors or in the backyard. I take her on a walk every morning, but I just can NOT get her to look at me. I use smelly treats and it's like she doesn't even notice my hand there, the treat, or anything (& yes, I've tried chicken!). She's just focused on her surroundings. She definitely has that puppy fear going on but we're warming up to other dogs & people on our walks. Wanted some advice on how I can even begin getting her attention outside when she will not focus on anything?

Additionally, she has a lot of energy and I feel like I've run out of neat things to let her play with while I'm working from home/not able to play with her. I want to give her more interactive toys, but I'm concerned that I'm giving her too many treats/kibble (she finishes the toys fast). Any recommendations on interactive toys that aren't 100% food based? Or some low-calorie recipes you like to use at home. I (and Sunny) appreciate any help!

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