2 month old puppy help!


New member
Here’s my story, I could use some advice/opinion from you :)
My partner’s father decided to adopt a 7.5-8 weeks old australian cattle dog puppy. My partner’s mother had just been diagnosed with a breast tumor and is scheduled to go on surgery sometime around mid-december.
So my partner and I went to pick up the puppy two weeks ago and we were supposed to take care of her until the surgery happens.
Yesterday my partner’s father said to us that he can’t keep the puppy because it’s a lot of work and he’s not prepared for this breed of dog. That we should keep her.
We live in an apartment. I’ve never had a puppy before. I’ve only had one dog of mine in my life (1 year old labrador retriever adopted from a shelter) and she was an amazing dog. We are not outdoor people because we live in a place in the middle of the city with no parks around. We don’t run or do a lot of exercise. Basically we’re not ready for her.
She’s a beautiful little puppy, intelligent and adorable. We’re starting to really love her but we’re also very tired and losing our patience with all the biting, the barking and all the attention that she obviously needs. We play a lot with all kinds of toys and take her on little walks but her energy is just too much.
So we’re thinking of rehoming her because we believe that she deserves a better life than we can offer.
But I feel kind of guilty. Like I’m giving up on her :(
I could use some advice/opinion from anyone in here.

P.S. Sorry in advance for my grammar and overall writing. English isn’t my first language.
@something4kate You said yourself in your post, you are not ready for her. And that's ok! Recognizing that and rehoming her now as a young puppy is an act of love for her. Getting her into a environment that is ready for her will give her the best chance of success, without developing bad habits or destructive behaviors that make her more challenging to keep or re-home as an adult.

I would contact whoever you got her from and see if they will take her back or help you find her a more suitable home.
@something4kate I just got my second ACD. She is 9 weeks and absolutely needs tons of play and mental stimulation. If you don't know anything about the breed you are probably not the right people for this kind of dog. They are a working dog, they need a job to do, otherwise they will become bored and destructive. My suggestion is to rehome asap.
@something4kate This is a bad idea. You can't keep a puppy like that in an apartment if you're not prepared to be extremely active with it outside. Unfortunately you likely need to look into rehoming into a proper home.
@something4kate Aww, your heart is in the right place. I remember my heeler around that age and two and a half years later he’s full of energy all day everyday.

I know it’s hard but I think the best thing you can do for your pup is to see if there is a cattle dog rescue near your area and see if they can help you find a new home. I’ve also seen some re-homing post in this subreddit as well. I wish you all the best and that your partners mother has a quick recovery.
We’ve already re-home her :)
She’s on her way to live with other two shepard dogs in a ranch. I’m a little sad but I know she’s going to have a better life in there. Thank you all for your words ♥️
@something4kate either become an outdoor person or re home her. these dogs need to be ran outside otherwise they will go insane. you’d be doing the right thing by re homing her. or get yourself some running shoes and pick up running they are great running buddies.

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