2.6 lb Chorkie


New member
My previous dog was a 13 year d, 38lb mix breed he died a week ago last Sunday. I loved him dearly.

I saw my chorkie on a breeder on Facebook and knew if I didn’t get her, she would sell. I got her a week ago. I live with my 92 y o mom. I’m a school nurse on spring break. She has a Brussel face. She’s adorable.

This puppy is everything I would ever want. She’s being dogdoor trained. She’s had two pee accidents in the house and one poop. The rest is outside. To me she’s doing great.

She won’t get above 5 lbs. I bought a puppy sling. I’m a runner/walked/5k, etc…. I would never expect her to run races, she’s way too tiny. I bought a pet stroller for when it gets warmer. Kitty sweaters, kitty collar, kitty toys (no cat nip). She eats and drinks water, tiny amounts at a time. She has her first vet appointment tomorrow., As for official training, I’m off the summer, I’ll put her into puppy training. I’d love for her to be a therapy dog, or a service animal. (We’ll see.

I crate her at night next to my bed., She is a very happy puppy. I take her places. I’ve not left her alone.

My mom doesn’t drive. On Friday, my mom has an appointment. Yes I’m tempted to take the puppy sling. But I’ll crate her with treats and toys. I’ll do a short time tomorrow and see how she does.

Pixie gets tons of exercise. Loves to play in my yard., she likes to chase me. She plays until she drops.

Question: am I doing everything I can to give her the best puppy year ever? Have I missed anything? How else can I celebrate her? It was quick after my 13 yo dog passed., But knew she was the puppy I wanted.
@cjdmom There’s no right or wrong time frame to wait until you get another pup. A short amount of time doesn’t diminish the love you have for your previous pup. You can grieve the loss and open your heart to a new companion at the same time.

It sounds like you’re doing amazing and your puppy is thriving! Don’t be afraid to step out little by little so your puppy can get comfortable being alone to try and prevent separation anxiety.

Im so sorry for the loss of your pup, and congrats on the newest family member. It might sound weird but when I got another puppy after my first had passed (he was 14) I would tell my puppy bedtime stories about his big brother. It helped to remember all of the sweet memories through the grief of losing a furry soulmate.
@cjdmom Her being so small and having access to a doggy door means that she is most likely outside alone and that makes me very nervous. I have 2 Chis that are currently 3.6 lbs and the one thing the vet warned us about is that they should never be outside alone. A bird could come and scoop them up with no problem. The vet told us about horror stories he had witnessed. I am terrified to let my little guys even a few steps away from me while out on the leash. I hope that is something you have thought about.
@saddamhusen085 I’m dog door training, but I go outside with her. I’m scared to death of birds taking her I’m constantly outside with her. I don’t let her out of my sight out there. That kind of makes her a Velcro dog, but I’m nervous about her outside.

Little dogs are prey for large birds. I almost potty pad trained her. She’s so tiny. I always thought I wanted a tea cup (tea cups are unhealthy and myths), but didn’t realized tiny dogs like her, existed. My neighbor’s yorkie is bigger than she is. Your Chi are teeny. I bet they are cute.
@cjdmom You seem to love your puppy and that’s great! Don’t forget though that even small dogs are still dogs and need to touch the floor! She needs to walk around, run, exercise and not be always in your arms, a sling or a carrier. Dogs that are always carried everywhere lose strength in their muscles, develop weight issues and can have some behavior issues as well. Have fun with your new pup and let her learn to be independant!
@cerulean Oh she gets lots of exercise outside and in. I like to run her down. We play chase. )she’s no taller than my ankles, so it’s really funny.
@cjdmom When my senior girl passed a month ago I wanted to wait 6-12 months and focus on my 2 year old dog for a while. 2 weeks later the opportunity came up to get a puppy that was seemingly a good fit for me, I decided to meet her. I went with it in my head that I wasn’t really ready but once I met her I knew she was the perfect fit. My 2 year old dog and the pup bonded in 24 hours. Even though I didn’t think I was ready, I needed this pup and so did my 2 year old dog. Some people wait years after losing a pet, others get one right away. All that matters is that it’s what is good for you and your heart. The mourning process is different for everyone. I don’t really have advice on your particular pup (I’ve never had small dogs and omg your little one is so tiny 😍😍) but I just wanted to post so you know you’re not alone in finding a new pup quickly. It’s your life and nobody should judge you for the timeline that worked for you.
@cisk777 She’s almost 11 weeks old. She does well with peeing. And I can’t get mad when she poops on a pee pad. She’s doing what she’s supposed to. Heck if I have to use 100 pee pads, she still does great. I’m so proud of her. She likes to poop on the pee pad.
@cjdmom mine does terrible with pooping on pee pads. he does one poo on the pad, then decides the pad is dirty and moves 20 cm to do the second turd and then another 3 and by then he's doing it on the floor. I wish he'd do one big turd in stead of 5 little ones, all dispearsed
@cisk777 Mine peed on a pad for the first time today. She does great peeing outside. But she poops on the pad if we’re lucky. Poops on the carpet. Poops next to the pad on the rug. Plays with clean pads. 11 weeks is a bit young. Yesterday was a week home. I don’t expect perfection.
@cjdmom Start training her to be alone for a few hours. You cannot take her everywhere all the time, and neither you should. Dogs need alone time too.
@cjdmom wait a minute, you go running with her in a sling? I have to walk very slowly when I have my pup in a sling otherwise he'll get "car sick" and throws up