2.5 year old dog having potty issues


New member
Our 2.5 year old Bernese/Retriever mix has always been great about not having accidents in the house, we've had him since he was a puppy and he was potty trained pretty quickly. For the past week, he's started to just stand outside the back door and refuse to go potty in the backyard. If you stand out there long enough with him and tell him to go, he finally will pee after a few minutes. This morning, we came downstairs to poop in the living room. Then he refused to pee outside this morning. Any ideas on what it might be? A UTI? Here are the only things that have changed for him recently:

- He started going to doggy daycare twice a week about 2 months ago

- He had kennel cough about a month ago but has been back to normal and off of antibiotics for a while

- He currently has increased eye goopies and eye crusties, which we now have an ointment for.

My next step will be to call the vet, but just wondering if anyone has experienced this before. He doesn't seem to be in pain or discomfort when he pees, it seems like more of a stubbornness thing, but not sure why now??
@ulkon Bernese can be incredibly stubborn , and it could also be something in the yard spooked him. Could also be a new habit if his daycare allows them to go to the bathroom inside.

But when in doubt , ask your vet.

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