10 wk old Dane/Golden mix won’t stop biting and barking at arms and hands


New member
My 10 week old total sweetheart Golden-Dane leaps at my (f) arms and hands and is now breaking the skin (thanks to puppy teeth).

Some things we’ve tried:

A) replace, replace, replace with toys. It’ll work sometimes, and sometimes she’ll bypass the toy and lunge for me again. She has all kinds of toys too - bully sticks, squeak toys, fabricy un-stuffed toys, ropes, ropes with squeaks, nylabones. She’s spoiled.

B) firm “No” in a low tone of voice

C) yelping like a littermate and looking sad. This used to work at 6weeks...not anymore

D) getting up and ignoring. She just will find something else to interest her until I return and then she starts at me again

E) leaving my arms limp and un-fun

F) exhaustion. She gets walked outside, runs in the backyard, we do laps in the dining room, play tug o’ war and fetch for long period of time.

G) Kongs stuffed with treats, frozen chicken broth (homemade for her), frozen carrots, ice cubes to chase around and help with teething.

H) training with sit, down, stay, off

Any other ideas? I’m not sure my hands and arms want to go through this for another 2-6 months as I wait for the teething to stop. Since she’ll be so big, I want to make sure I nip this in the bud.


TL;DR: Puppy is breaking my skin and I’ve tried everything the internet has to offer in terms of advice.
@kc8vji My Aussie mix puppy does the same. I’ve tried everything and what’s been working is getting up and ignoring her for a minute or so every time she starts getting feisty. She still bites, but is being a lot more gentle now. It’s a puppy thing, but it will pass!
@kc8vji It's hard, but keep up with it- puppies take a long time to learn! Be consistent, and enforce regular bed times in crate- out last pup visitor used to do the same thing when she was over tired.

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