1 Year old, female, shi/chi won’t eat her food


New member
She’s always been bad with eating food even as a puppy (bad with walks too but that’s improved a lot since she was a puppy) she got a bit better at eating for a while but it’s always seemed like she tries to avoid eating as long as she can, when she does eat she’s very slow about it and keeps going in and out, eating some, then moving away to go at a different angle. She will get bored of her food and won’t eat at all sometimes till you change the brand and then it’s the same thing over again but I’ve read that it’s bad to change a dogs food a lot so we’re not really sure what to do. Any help?
@kathy9988 You need to speak to a vet regarding this. Having a picky eater for a pup can be extremely frustrating, yes, but its even more so for your dog. It could be due to something in the food as most dog foods utilize corn in their ingredients, and some dogs have reactions to it. Its possible there's an ingredient there she doesn't like, that's prevalent in other foods.

If you must swap foods, make sure to do the slow transition method of 75/25, 50/50, 25/75, etc. But I'd recommend just double checking with your usual vet to make sure she doesn't have any gastro issues.

Source: have a picky pup, and had the issue for years before we finally found a diet that worked for him

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