1 y/o Lab/Bernese mix won’t eat food. We’ve ruled out a health issue


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Our unspayed 1 year old dog won’t eat her food but will occasionally take treats and will be interested in human food sometimes. Things like she used to be obsessed with like bully sticks, yak chews and fish skins are also off the menu not interesting. Occasionally she will eat if we feed her one morsel of food at a time but she’ll turn her nose away at it pretty quick. She’s currently eating an average of about 50-100g of her food in a day sometimes more and sometimes less. For an 83lb dog, that is concerning.

We took her to the vet and had a physical exam plus advanced blood work done to see if there was something wrong (she had picked up a couple other odd behaviours too so we thought it was likely health related) but everything came back very healthy. She’s also still full of energy and pep.

We also thought that it might be hormonal/seasonal because the behaviours and eating habits seemed to be similar to when she had her first heat. But she had JUST finished her heat maybe a month ago. Also there are no physical signs of another heat like bleeding or her vulva getting bigger etc….

She’s been eating balanced home cooked meals using the using “Hilary’s Blend” nutritional supplements and balanced recipes (the Canadian version of BalanceIt) and she was LOVING it until she suddenly didn’t. Since then we reverted back to a kibble to see if she likes it better but it seems to not affect. We’ve tried mixing in homemade stock and other mix ins to make it more appetizing but she will still turn her nose up at it.

Lastly, she’s never had any aversive experiences period. We strictly follow force free, R+ training methods. I say this because she shouldn’t have any negative feelings around food that I know of.

Sorry for the wall of text but we are at our wits end and are getting worried for the health and safety of our pup! Anybody have any ideas of what we can do or similar experiences to share or even just words of comfort?

puppy tax
@vanda Randomly having reactivity (alert body language and occasional barking-might I add she is naturally an extremely quiet dog so this was out of the ordinary) at hooded people on the street. Some whimpering/whining for no apparent reason
Mild separation anxiety (up until when this started, she was amazing with separation)
@elin1212 I would love to hear an update if you sort this out, worry I can't offer help. My previously food obsessed pup now needs all the encouragement in the world to eat one meal and cutting out treats to give him tough love for mealtime isn't ban option because he's reactive and we have to do a lot of counter conditioning work with him (and are seeing progress yay). He did have tummy issues and we are now working with a holistic vet to rule out sensitivities but ya, can barely get him to eat a meal. Sorry I can't offer help. Also your girl is incredibly adorable.
@jmarie196812 Yay for counter conditioning progress! Yeah it’s tough for us too since we use so many treats for training and basically anytime she’s outside we like to reward her a lot.
Will try to do an update!
@elin1212 How long is this going on for?

My best guess would be that she ate something that was REALLY nice for her, and is now waiting for it to come up again. The reason we stopped with any human foods is the little strikes after it, because she was waiting for the “good” food for days…

Keep in mind that, if she’s healthy, you can mess up a bit by constantly trying to give her different foods, and trying to feed her outside of her normal meal times.
@elin1212 Have you tried hand feeding or using a snuffle mat/puzzle toy at all? My border collie will often go the whole day without eating, but as soon as he gets to do something interesting for his food he can’t get enough of it.
@elin1212 If she is cleared medically, dont fuss over it or her. dont change the food or give her scraps or fun toppers or any treats. Dont handfeed her one kibble at at a time. Put the food down and she WILL eventually eat when she is hungry enough. A healthy dog will not starve themselves to death in front of a full bowl of food.

If you eliminate all treats and stop with trying to make things more exciting (which makes them hold out for new “exciting” things) she will eventually crack and eat. Dogs can go awhile with fasting dont sweat it. My picky eater has even hunger puked a couple times in the past whilst ignoring her food. Even if she does that, stand firm. Tough live is the only way to crack pickiness. I know it’s frustrating!
@blastcat Yes this is what I suspect is our next course of action. We’ve already started cutting out her treats. It’s good to know they can go a while without eating because she sure does do it a lot!

Also stopping hand feeding her one kibble at a time is something I never thought of for some reason but it makes sense! Thank you!
@elin1212 She just always has been and always will be a bit of a pain in the ass with her regular food. She no longer goes all day without food, and there are plenty of days she eats both meals and then there are days she skips one and only eats 1 out of 2. She never goes 0/2 anymore though. The key is to not go nuts when they skip one with adding toppers and giving treats and switching food or trying to entice them. Just shrug and know as long as they are healthy theyll eat the next one or whenever they are hungry enough
@elin1212 Will you get her spayed? My vet said spaying is good for helping with this. I’ve heard it’s also common for them to go off food during heat.
My pup skips meals and I freak out because she’s already quiet lean. But she usually doesn’t skip 2 in a row.

You could try raw? My pup got sick and went off her food we then switched her to raw and she now eats all of it! Just try mix it up. Start with chicken necks. There are heaps of Facebook groups on rawfeeding that are very helpful.