1 y/o female all of a sudden showing signs of aggression and skittishness


New member
My sweet 1y/o girl all of a sudden in the last few days has had some minor behavior changes. She’s barking more often. She’s running away from people. My mom went to take her on a walk and she was growling at her and absolutely refused to go. She was in someone’s room today and she was growling at me not wanting to come in and then grabbed their shoe and started protecting it. I’m her owner and she’s never demonstrated that kind of behavior towards me. She’s been very weird lately. I think maybe she’s just overly tired because now as I’m writing this she’s fallen asleep under my arm. What do you guys think? Any advice?
@chrisdrama99 was she in season recently? sometimes bitches experience false pregnancy, and the shoe might be a pup-surrogate. it could account for all her behavior, cuz a 'new mom' doesn't want to leave her litter (even if its not real).