1.7 year old dog


New member
Our dog is a gsd / dobe mix. He was neutered a few weeks ago. He has been very mouthy as of late, and has been extra hyper jumpy mouthy on our 12 year old son. He isn't aggressive but more like rough play. How do we stop this? He was always a but spazzy, but the mouthing is new.
@hisholykingdom Have you trained him with off? I used off with my Springer Spaniel who was a world class jumper. After off, usually came sit, and then rewards with petting. And does your son also have practice with these commands? Your son also needs to be taught how to command the dog and to walk away from the rough play. Also, I encountered a nippy/mouthy dog very recently who just hadn't had enough exercise. I had a collie/sheltie mix and a cockapoo at that age and they were very easy dogs who listened to all of us, but we had practice telling them to come and sit and lie down from day 1. By 12 I was walking them on my own. So you might want to work with your son and your dog together and also get your dog more exercise.

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