1.5 yr old lip curled & growled at me


New member
Got my now 1.5 yr old mixed breed large pup when he was 8 weeks old. We have a solid bond and he’s my baby boy. For the first time ever two days ago he curled up his lip when I was petting him as he was sitting in the kitchen and looking up at me as I was cooking dinner. I stopped petting him immediately. The next evening he curled up his lip and let out a low growl when I sat next to him to pet him on the couch. I stopped immediately and left the room.

Just writing to see if anyone has experienced anything similar that wasn’t related to resource guarding. He didn’t have a bone or anything either time so that’s not it. He doesn’t seem to be in pain and is being totally normal otherwise although I’ll continue monitoring him. Both lip curl/growl events were after he ate dinner and he was really tired, so I realize and respect that he may have just needed space. But it’s just weird since he’s never had a problem with me petting him in the 1.5 years we’ve been together. Hoping this passes b/c now I’m questioning my understanding of his body language/acceptance of my pets.
@bibletruths Info: Has he previously showed any body langauge that suggests not being comfortable with being pet? Like whale eyes, yawning, licking his lips and such?

I might bring him to a vet just to rule out anything being wrong medically.
@onceawaretwiceempowered No re: the body language. He likes being pet (by me) and I often will stop and check in with him to continue giving consent. He does yawn sometimes when I pet him, usually followed by a big stretch and rolling onto his back. I might be misreading those yawns.

I am thinking the same re: the vet. We just took him last month for his annual shots and he got a clean bill of health, but maybe something else is up. He’s just usually so good at showing me when something is wrong (ie scratching his ears a lot one time when he had an ear infection; messing with his paw when a rock was stuck in there, etc)
@bibletruths scratching his ear makes sense if it's itchy, messing with is paw makes sense if a rock is stuck. Perhaps growling at you when you pet him makes sense cause he's not feeling well, and there's no itch, or something stuck, just a "I feel meh and this petting is making it worse". Maybe.
Update: I did call the vet’s office to ask if I can come in and get him checked out. The front desk is going to share my concerns with my vet and the vet will get in touch with me “but it might not be for a while”.
@kawaiilover22 Yeah I’m not sure. Seems like they wanted to talk to my vet before I could schedule an appt. Prob related to vets being way understaffed. Hard to get appointments at least in my area
@bibletruths Totally understandable. Where I am, right now annual checkups due in December are being booked in mid APRIL. There is a severe vet shortage at the moment. The only way I can get an appointment sooner is if it is a severe emergency and there is a cancellation.
@bibletruths Any time a pet does something clearly out of character, it is a good idea to visit a vet. Once you rule out pain, then you know where you stand. This has happened to me a few times over the decades of owning dogs. It was always medical.
@veggiemusician Thanks for this, I agree. I have no clue what type of medical issue this could be. No obvious ear pain, no digestive issues, no changes in energy or general disposition other than these two instances of lip curl/growl. I feel so in tune with his feelings that this has just sort of thrown me. I am not a vet tho so I realize they might be able to see something I can’t.
@bibletruths I will wish you the best of luck and hopefully it’s just some weird little issue like a mild sprain and he’s like “I don’t want petted right now, thank you.” Some dogs can be pretty stoic when it comes to hiding pain, especially terrier breeds.
@veggiemusician My older dog started to get really snappy in his later years, as soon as we got him on arthritis medication he was like a new dog, not only was he friendly again but could jump up and down stairs again, it was really insane the difference that they made lol
@bibletruths Interesting, my dog was around the same age when he did the same thing... I got him when he was one though, so only had him a few months at this time. Went to sit on the couch and do my usual thing to give him a neck scratch while telling him to shoo so I can sit down, except this time he curled his lips and growled at me. I was kind of stunned, and left him alone. Then another time same thing...I hadnt even touched him yet, plus he did a warning snap at me.

I was super freaked out, but I sat down and he was intently staring at me and growling...just pretended to ignore him whie watchign tv (freaking out, I was so upset I was afraid no idea what hed do..and hes a pretty big pup) but eventually he relaxed then knocked out. He never did anything like that again, and hes 7 now. The dopiest, sweetest and most gentle pup ever, sometimes I think of that day and how scared and worried I was...something had to have been up.

I didnt know back then it may be a sign of pain or distress, or I def would have taken him in to the vet. I think its totally possible he was in pain, and then whatever it is has since resolved, but would have much preferred to take him in if I knew, to get him checked out so that he would feel better and comfortable sooner. Even if nothing seems wrong, may be worth it to make sure.

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