0/10 sniffing your dog’s butt


New member
I hope this makes you laugh but I kept smelling farts and I was like is my dog farting? So I smelled his butt, don’t ask why I have no idea, and I about died. Don’t recommend it. I think I’m sleep deprived.
@jonah84 Fun fact: There’s a part of a dog’s nose that filters out the smell of shit when sniffing butts, that’s why they’re able to do it so easily. Another fun fact: a person’s nose does not have this part.
@jonah84 I once smell something fishy and remembered reading about the fishy smell when the dog's anal glands need to be emptied. So I wanted to know if the smell was indeed coming from his butt. Oh my god, I almost vomit. Definitely from his butt, went to empty the glands the next day.

Some of us just lack a bit of common sense :)
@nextstep Yes! The vet is the one to do it. Some dogs do it naturally (I learned that is called "express the glands"), other dogs don't do it very well and need some help or they start to stink. My dog stinks!

And it's absolutely disgusting. When the vet does it the whole room starts to stink like rotten fish.
@albert05 Have a cat that can't express his anal glands on his own. Apparently somewhat uncommon in cats. Rubbed his back too aggressively one day and he sprayed all over me and my glass of water. No longer have that glass and no longer rub his back when his butt is facing me lol
@albert05 Groomers will also express the glands if requested.

My previous dog had an abscess in his anal gland - poor thing. Vet suggested adding a tablespoon or so of canned pumpkin to his food. Seemed to do the trick although after awhile he got tired of it and wouldn't eat it so I dropped the frequency down to once every three days.
@nextstep My dog expresses himself once when he got a nasal vaccine. My mom and I had no idea what was happening until the vet told us. Our poor dog looked so mortified.

When he was a bit older he started walking strangely so my brother took him to the vet. The vet needed to express him. I’ve never had a dog that needed to be expressed and if it weren’t for him I’d have no idea what it was.