
  1. J

    Y'all... I messed up

    I tagged this Wags because I sort of got what I wanted, but I think y'all will get a kick out of my mistake. I never wanted my dog to play keep away, so if he got ahold of something unknown or questionable I would put on a really excited tone of voice and ask "what did you find?" Then I'd hold...
  2. D

    It Gets Better!

    In September we adopted a rescue pup - we suspect she might be a flat coated retriever (based off her uh, “youthful” personality and that she looks like a black golden retriever). She was 12 weeks old. Immediately I got slammed by puppy blues. I was exhausted, waking up in the middle of the...
  3. A

    Wait to neuter?

    I know this is a controversial topic but curious to hear people’s opinions and experiences. I’ve worked for a vet for many yrs and drs encouraged to spay and neuter around 6 months. I personally have always followed this standard w my pets my whole life. However I’m reading more and more that...
  4. O

    my dog has parvo pls helpppppppp, only if u r a professional or have some experience

    My dog has parvovirus (just found out today through vets, s), did not eat anything, would puke everything she ate(showed these symptoms for 2 days). However, today she drank water(by herself) and did not throw up, docs said not to give her anything ? but she drank it by herself did not throw up...
  5. H

    Last week throwing tantrums being put in crate, this week eagerly diving in

    Last week was BAAAAD. Our schedule had changed, not by a ton but a noticeable amount. Went from 2 1-hour lunches at my WFH home, to a single 1-hr lunch (woohoo accommodation for service dog pup). Barking, loudly, for minutes.. and I live in a basement suite, so it's not great for my upstairs...
  6. A

    It gets so much better

    Hey guys. So I have a now 2 year old Pug named Ripley. I'm a 27 year old single guy living with some roommates. I got Ripley as a puppy knowing I'd be the only one really taking care of her. It freaked me out. I pored over this subreddit for way too long, worried about if I had done the right...
  7. E

    My advice and reflections on being a single person raising a gigantic puppy in a small apartment during a pandemic

    Hello all, My pup Summer is turning 1 soon, so I wanted to share some stuff I've learned and, in some cases, that I wish I had known when I first got him. Of course these are only my personal reflections, I am not a licensed trainer or animal care professional. First some general puppy things...
  8. S

    What have I done?

    There I was, minding my own business,. When suddenly, I see a Box. Nothing special about it. A cardboard box. I didn't think anything about it, just thought somebody left their trash. And then a head pops up. A little fuzzy head. sighs I go check it out and somebody has left the cutest little...
  9. P

    It’s been less than 2 months and I am already so unexpectedly proud of my pup

    My puppy is 19 weeks, we got him at 11 weeks old. He is a high energy northern special. I’ve complained a lot on here 😅 so I thought maybe it’s time for an update since he did so well this weekend. For some background - aside from adjusting to the crate, he was great the first week or two...
  10. S

    It gets better - I doubted it!

    Just wanted to pop in to say I feel every single person on this sub who is exhausted, crying, regretting, bleeding (shark teeth 🦈), cleaning up pee and poop all day, etc. We brought home our puppy at 12 weeks after having moved into our first home together only 5 days prior. I told my SO...
  11. J

    Pup finally had his first solid poops!!

    It's been an emotional roller coaster since I brought pup home at 8 weeks. He came home with coccidia, then got giardia twice. Even after coming back clear for all parasites on the regular fecal exams, the poor guy hasn't had a solid poop ever. I, as a single mom, have been stressed out of mind...
  12. V

    How did everyone fair with trick-r-treaters and your puppy?

    My pup is almost 8 months old and was dreading Halloween evening since I had moved into a neighborhood that does trick-r-treating. But surprisingly went really well! I left his harness on that has a handle at the top so I could easily grab a hold of him if he tried to dash out to meet people...
  13. H

    The best feeling I didn’t know I could have!

    I got my puppy a week ago. She took no time to unleash her spunky personality. She’s a good puppy- really truly- nevertheless, she’s still a puppy and has needs to be met round the clock. Even when she’s sleeping (which is a lot) I’m still watching the clock. I’m still planning her next potty...
  14. E

    Puppy broke out of her overnight crate and just… chilled unsupervised

    Some context: We still crate our puppy overnight but aside from enforced naps, she pretty much spends the whole day in the same room as my husband and me, no matter where we are in the house. She still needs supervision as she is only 6 month old, but already 60 lbs and can sometimes get a bit...
  15. B

    Don’t give up- My dog has just started asking to go for a nap at 1.5 years old

    I was always confused by people posting about their pups wanting to nap, because mine didn’t. We had to force her to sleep otherwise she would become this overtired zoomie of crankiness. If she had a say, she would never sleep, but once she was in her crate for a few minutes she’d be out and...
  16. C

    Me, the human, might have separation anxiety

    This post is a bit of a weird one, but I had to fly off for a two week work trip, and so my boy is staying with my parents. He's 2.5 years old! It's been like, 5 days, and I miss him terribly :( is this something you fur-parents experience? Any advice? EDIT: Tax!
  17. S

    Does anyone’s hearts just get warm when your puppy tries to be close to you?

    My pup (4.5 month corgi) sleeps in his exercise pen next to my desk some days (when he gets too crazy he naps in his crate, but if he self settles we let him nap in his x-pen) Left my desk for about 10 mins, he’s sleeping, sit down, and he gets up and moves to the other side of his pen so he’s...
  18. C

    21 days in a row and still counting http://imgur.com/gallery/gYc8ERb

    My 4 and a half month pug pup has gone 21 days with no night time potties! She started the no night time potties at 12 weeks but still had on and off accidents at night. (I don't wake up to take her out instead have her in an extra large crate with bed in one end pads in the other) Now we're...
  19. W

    Realizing just how far we’ve come

    over the weekend, our 1.5 y/o samoyed was behaving outrageously. he wouldn’t stop pulling on his leash, wouldn’t take simple commands like sit/leave it, and would bark constantly (which is pretty unusual for him as he knows to use “inside” voice when at home). in general, he was an absolute...
  20. T

    I think my dog can spell?!?!

    A little set up...my JRT is obsessed with another JRT who lives down the street. This dog gets through the backyard fence and will just wonder the block then go home. Sometimes if my dog is on the long leash in the front with us, will see this and go crazy. Sometimes the dog comes up to him, buy...