training assistance

  1. M

    Struggling with the R+ approach to “off limits” areas

    So I want my kitchen to be an off-limits space for my dog. This is a rule we had with all of our dogs growing up and we’d just tell them "out!” if they crossed the ‘threshold’ and they usually caught on pretty quickly that they weren’t allowed in the kitchen. The tone we used was definitely more...
  2. J

    foster xL pit hurting me during walks

    The pit mix (70 pound unneutered male) i am currently fostering was abandoned in a rental house. he has a good personality but he has obviously been hit in the face and had absolutely no leash training when i got him. he is about a year old and i have been fostering him since november. he is...
  3. I

    What to teach my 9 week old puppy next, he learns too fast it’s scary.

    Things he knows: Sit Lay Down Stay (only waiting on his bowl, can only remain in a stay for 3-7 seconds) Spin (he loves this) In your crate What should he learn next? I practice all of them at least twice a day and he still remembers, though struggles a little with stay. He won’t go out...
  4. J

    Puppy wants what other dog has- excessive barking

    Hello, New puppy, E, less than 15 weeks old she’s been with me for about 2 weeks adopted from local AS. Everything seems to be going well, potty training is pretty solid and crate training is progressing. Getting better about listening and jumping and demanding food. I have a problem with...
  5. A

    Do puppies become more interested in food over time?

    Our 8 week old BC puppy likes food, but is not focusing on food/treats or is readily excited about lunch/dinner. She's shown little interest in Kongs with PB in it. Will she soon start to become more attentive to food/treats? It's made crate training a little more difficult as she'll wonder off...
  6. L

    What eCollars Are You Using?

    I’m thinking about getting this one,
  7. S

    Is this type of play ok?

    Our 9 month frenchie is calm and likes to play with other dogs, but we just got a 3 month old and she’s fiesty. The growls like this but I can’t tell if it’s aggressive or if it’s her “voice”. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance.
  8. W

    Just got a 9 week old Bordoodle (Border Collie x Poodle)

    Hey guys, so 4 days ago my wife and I got our 9 week old Bordoodle. We did a lot of research prior to getting the puppy, but as anticipated things are different than the youtube videos you see. I'm not expecting my puppy to sit on his first training session or anything, although I have seen it...
  9. N

    How to capture calm with a pup who’s never calm?

    We’re almost 10 months old now and I can count on 1 finger the number of non-enforced voluntary naps/settled we’ve had. I’ve read about capturing calm, but obviously that doesn’t work for us because there is no calm to capture (kikopup?). So, then we moved to the method where we have him lay...
  10. B

    Jogging with a 9 1/2 old puppy questions

    EDIT: 9 1/2 MONTH old, my bad So I’d like to start jogging with my puppy (standard goldendoodle). Most of the stuff I’m reading online is to wait until maybe a year and a half though. That’s fine, except for he’s already 55 lbs, so I’d rather start this process early before he completely...
  11. C

    Work and Separation Anxiety

    Hello, i am 18 years old and currently have a 3 month old puppy. i plan to get a job very soon, so i can support her better than the small babysitting gigs. however i want to make sure i start leaving her “home alone” at an appropriate age. keep in mind, i would hopefully have someone to stay...
  12. T

    I’m all about R+, but what do you do when your pup is being a stubborn little sh*t and wouldn’t just leave something dangerous?

    I love everything about my cheeky munch monster, but there were a few occasions where she made me jump out of my skin, hit another dimension and come back. I’m looking for advice on how to keep my cool and use positive reinforcement in painful or potentially life threatening situations. I’ll...
  13. S

    4 m/o Husky mix doesn’t like walks?

    We have a 16 week pup that we’ve had since 8 weeks who flat out refuses to walk away from our property. I really want walks to be a part of our routine, both for her and for me. She’s happy enough to walk around the front yard on her leash (we have a fairly large property) but as we start to...
  14. G

    Golden Puppy Owner - H E L P !

    I’ve got a 3mo Golden at home (cute snd quirky as heck). He has been around now for over a month. Got these main problems we need to fix: The biting. Just biting ANYTHING (furniture, cables, shoes, carpets, doors, assorted human limbs) within range all day long. The worst is when he bites...
  15. S

    how to make my puppy cuddly?

    i have a new 9 week old pitbull, he’s already so big i struggle to hold him w both hands, i wanna make him super cuddly and affectionate, (as well as sleep in my bed n cuddle) how would i go about this w minimal accidents on my bed? also i need tips for potty training again cause its been awhile...
  16. C

    My puppy keeps biting my older dog what do I do

    I got a 9 week old puppy(J) about a week ago and I already had an almost 4 year old dog(C). They're both girls and they're both shorkies. C is quite timid and J keeps biting her when she tries to play. I seperate them after a growl or two occurs from C towards J. Not only does J bite C she also...
  17. C

    Oh boy, nearing the "teething & adolescent" stage with my 5 mo goldendoodle. Tips & Recs for the following would be greatly appreciated.b

    My goldendoodle is coming up on 5 months old. We've recently entered the teething stage and it seems she hitting the adolescent and "F You" I'm ganna do what I want even though I know it's not what you want phase. I'm starting to provide a lot of frozen toys and bully sticks to help with the...
  18. S

    Puppy wakes us up at 6am every day by jumping on our bed and licking/clawing at our faces until we get up

    Is it possible at this point to train her to sleep later and not jump on our bed to wake us up, or is it too late? We’re so tired of waking up so early, even an extra hour would be amazing. How can we train our girl to stay in her bed until a reasonable hour? UPDATE: Thank you for all the...
  19. P

    Puppy won't stop sniffing the ground while walking

    I have a 5-month-old Corgi and she loves to stop and sniff everything. I know many of you said let them sniff but I live in the city so the part from my house to the dog walking course is very noisy and busy. The thing is she loves to sniff while walking and she is short (corgi), and these few...
  20. D

    Our puppy only responds to my husband

    Husband and I recently brought home a 9 week old Lab puppy. He’s doing great with potty training, sit, and come. However, he only responds to my husband. We use the same silly voices/commands/hand signals/treats and it’s like he’s never heard any of it in his life when it comes from me. He...