
  1. A

    My GSD is good, then he is not

    TLDR: I have had a 3 year old German Shepard for 6 months, he was raised on a large - middle of nowhere- property, he was not reactive with other dogs until he was ambushed 3 times by a few dogs in a non off leash area. He is also reactive with squirrels. He has days where he is great on walks...
  2. M

    Dog play biting at nearly two years old,please tell me your experiences!

    Hello all Our doggo is a 25kg Romanian rescue with the most amazing temperament and lovingness towards all humans and dogs. If anything that’s her biggest issue, she just gets two excited by both! We have always had issues to varying degrees with her arousal biting. The two big triggers for it...
  3. P

    Y’all are amazing

    I’ve been a long time lurker here. My pup isn’t reactive, but I’ve wanted to learn more about reactivity and how to work with it for numerous reasons, including just out of curiosity. The biggest thing I’ve taken away is how devoted you all are. I can’t begin to comprehend the stress...
  4. D

    My dog killed a dog today - absolutely devastated

    UPDATE (MORNING AFTER INCIDENT) I just talked to the vet that initially treated the Border Collie and she said she 100% does NOT believe my dog was involved in the dog attack at all and that the dog sitter was trying to use my dog to cover up what actually happened yesterday. The vet said upon...
  5. I

    End of the road

    This may not read well, I’m pretty upset. I’ve made the heartbreaking decision to go ahead with BE for my boy. I’ve tried my absolute hardest over the last year to do my best by him and others around us, and this final decision was made with that same aim. He started displaying reactive...
  6. G

    3 year old maltipoo w/ food aggression and snaps randomly

    I have a 3 year old maltipoo (i think), S/M size, 15-20 lbs. He is very smart, learned a bunch of tricks, very obedient, sweet, and always by our side. Got my dog from a seller on craigslist during covid. Think he was raised in a bad environment. The person who sold him to us gave us a birth...
  7. L

    We don't know what to do next with our reactive dog and in need of advice/support

    We adopted Miles after fostering him for 2 months because we quickly fell in love with him. Shortly after adoption his reactivity started showing up, and now we're at a point where we don't know what to do next. My wife is beyond stressed and mentally exhausted with him whereas I have more...
  8. J

    Feels like we are running low on solutions

    This is a long story to share, but we have found a lot of comfort in this group. First, a bit (a lot) of background. We adopted M last February, she's a 3yo spayed hound. She was with a foster for 4 months prior to us getting her, and while some of her behavioral issues were present from the...
  9. H

    Am I a bad dog owner or do I have a reactive dog?

    Hi! I need to vent and could use some help. I have a female staffbull, B, who is now 1 year and 4 months old. Technically she is my (and my husband's) first dog, but we both grew up with dogs and took care of them - to some extent. I know that staffbull may not be the best choice for a...
  10. M

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    I feel awful. I love my pup. She is a 1.5 year Labrador cocker mix. She didn’t come from a great place, but we got her at 8 weeks. She is very anxious, alert barks all the time and is so scared to be on the street that I only walk her in a field where we don’t see anyone. She is fearful of...
  11. R

    My 2 y/o large shepherd bit my dad today

    It happened incredibly fast, and he has been doing SO good. This is his first bite that has drawn blood (he once bit a friend when he was younger but it was more of a nip because it didn’t leave a mark) and it left 2 very deep puncture wounds on my dad’s hand. We have a trainer, we have him on...
  12. F

    Need some emotional support. It’s the morning after behavioral euthanizing my sweet Athena

    I’m currently bawling my eyes out in bed and in so much pain. It’s the morning after putting Athena down and she isn’t here to beg me for breakfast or run to me when i’m in the bathroom…I don’t see her wagging tail when I get her harness… I am in so much pain, it hurts too much. Don’t know if...
  13. R

    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    I’ve got a German shepherd who is usually such a great dog! He always plays great with other dogs and has never shown any signs of aggression with new dogs, at least until he’s on a leash anyway. Every time he sees a new dog he has an almost compulsive desire to beeline straight to them and...
  14. D

    Had a bite incident and it's my fault

    Edit: Not seeking advice here on containing our dog, I know how costly this lapse in judgment was (and that it could have been worse for him or others), and what we need to do going forward. Came here to find folks with shared experience with bite incidents or other serious setbacks. Our dog...
  15. J

    What do you say to owners of off-lead dogs?

    We’re on our second week of reconcile 64mg (he’s a big boy). It was sort of a last ditch effort, being that the other dog owners in my area believe that leash laws don’t apply to them. I have sought out professional training: first basic/intermediate obedience, then was taken for almost $2K by a...