reactive dogs

  1. R

    Barking interpretation: how to tell the difference?

    My dog barks a fair amount. 1. She barks at passers by and rabbits from the window and the same when outside. No tail wagging. Once the stimulus is gone, it stops. 2. At night, she paces the front yard, barking at the nothing in particular. I think it’s her territorial anxiety. 3. She barks...
  2. M

    Good news!

    More of an update, but I’m new to Reddit still (had my account for a while, but didn’t start using it till the past few months) so I don’t know how to include the previous posts I’ve made. My staffy pittie terrior is getting more used to the apartment complex that we just moved into. I have...
  3. H

    Least stressful visit ever to particularly triggering place!

    TLDR - Our noise-phobic girl went through the area where she had her traumatic event and would always cause her to get pretty close to/over threshold but today it ended up being a 9 out of 10 outing! 14-month old golden with very specific noise fears and general anxiety. She is fearful of...
  4. W

    Training bite inhibition when none exists

    We have what we think is 1.5-2 years old shelter dog who resource guards (getting better, but prone to relapses) and has zero bite inhibition except when he wanted to ‘mouth’ when in cuddle mode after sleeping or eating. I stop cuddle mode when he does this, and he hasn’t really mouthed in...
  5. I

    Has anyone done B.A.T. 2.0 with their reactive dog? How did it work out?

    I am currently reading Behaviour Adjustment Training 2.0 by Grisha Stewart and it's a damn interesting read. I do wonder how effective is a BAT setup (I'm planning to start setups as I finish the book) and if repeating BAT setups without the help of a trainer helped your dog - have you seen...
  6. C

    How much training is undone by practicing bad behaviors?

    I don't understand why my training isn't working. So many guides and trainers say "follow this training consistently and you'll see results in 2-3 weeks for most dogs, but some dogs may take months". Well it's been at least 6 months of consistent training with no results, he's possibly even...
  7. A

    Dogs not getting along

    In March of this year, I adopted my dog at 2 months old. She was rescued from a dog hoarding situation and had some health issues when she was first seized. She is reactive on leash but does really well playing with dogs at her daycare. I visit my parents almost every weekend and they have a...
  8. E

    What are the dog park rules?

    I’ve had my pup for 7 months now and his favorite thing to do is play with other dogs. He does great in almost every situation now but when he really wants something he can get pretty crazy. We’ve tried going to the dog park twice, both times he was barking uncontrollably at a pretty small...
  9. C

    Excited Reactive Dog Help

    So I adopted my now 1 yearish old dog in January from a shelter in the city. They’d picked him up off the street and had no idea what his background was. When I adopted him his forms said 3 years old, but when I picked him up after neutering they said he was 7-9 months old. I thought I was...
  10. M

    Very funny take on different dog breed reactions

    Right this is only very loosely linked to reactivity but I chose the how different breed react to robbers (stranger reactivity honest) It made me chuckle and I hope it gives us reactive dog owners light relief! Sometimes we need it I love his one on how dogs run as well Please mods if I am...
  11. H

    Torn on BE for my reactive puppy

    Hi all - my partner and I have had our Doberman mix puppy since she was 8 weeks and from day 1, something wasn’t quite right. She never liked being pet, growled at us when we’d touch her, try to pick her up (a must for unvaccinated puppies) or go near her stuff. The aggression has also been...
  12. F

    To my 70lb reactive boy: I love all the ways your sweet soul shines through, even though you act like a jerkface sometimes

    ( Feel encouraged to comment with any ways that your reactive and/or aggressive dog brings joy to your life… know…..when they’re not increasing your heart rate 😂 ❤️. Idk about y’all but I thrive on wholesome/hopeful content like this.) Having a high-anxiety/leash-and-barrier-reactive dog...
  13. 1

    Loose leash walking with reactivity?

    Hello! Using a throwaway because I'm quite embarrassed and frustrated with my dog (F, 5 y/o, GSD/Lab mix). Besides her chronic fearful reactivity, we struggle a lot with loose leash walking because she pulls like a truck and loves to rush to the end of the leash to choke herself (she wears a...
  14. J

    Struggling with adjusting to new dog after severe separation anxiety in previous dog leading to B.E

    Hello. This is long and rambling and nobody is obligated to read it. I adopted an 8 week old puppy, and two years later she was euthanized for severe separation anxiety and growing aggression, and now I feel like I have dog PTSD and don’t know had to interact with my new dog. I know some people...
  15. C

    How to introduce a leash-reactive dog to new dogs?

    Hi everyone, I’m looking for advice on strategies for introducing my very frustrated greeter to other dogs. He has almost 0 threshold for seeing other dogs without crying, barking, and lunging but is perfect off leash and at daycare. However, he has 0 recall and so must be leashed when arriving...
  16. J

    Update on the dog trainer who moved across the country and continued practicing after losing a client dog and trying to return a different GSD

    Just saw this update to this story which I posted about a month ago. The trainer is now facing felony charges in two states.
  17. E

    Positives of Rainy Days With Your Reactive Pup

    Hardly anyone else is out so your walk is so much easier If anyone else is out with their dog they are probably also reactive so they keep their distance Your dog finally gets a good shower since he’s too big to fit in your tub and no local groomer will day him cuz he has a bad rep You can...
  18. M

    I started rewarding the first 1-2 barks, then i check on the offender, end with a “thank you, that’s enough”

    I feel like they’re responding well to praise and me double-checking their work. They used to carry on, but now make eye contact with me after alerting, and wait for me to check on it, and will leave it. At worst, one of them will grumble in her inside voice. I’ve been trying to work on...
  19. P

    Adolescent Regression

    Hey all. Just wanted to come here to vent a bit maybe get some recommendations or even just some reassurance that what I'm doing is the right way to be doing things. My wife and I brought in a puppy we found about 8-9 months ago on the side of a road with his litter. He's a mixed breed, not...
  20. K

    7 M/O Bernese Aggression Twords Yellow Lab

    Hi guys and gals. I am in need of some help here. I have 4 dogs, a 8 y/o yellow lab, 7 m/o Bernese puppy, 13 y/o chihuahua poodle mix, and a 3 y/o husky poodle mix. My new Bernese just bit my lab after I had called him from the other room and drew blood. Two small gashes on his ear and a...