
  1. R

    Survey for statistics class

    Hi! I have a survey for dog owners to gauge opinions and knowledge about spaying/neutering. If you could take the time to respond that would be appreciated! It is pretty short and shouldn't take very long...
  2. A

    Opinions wanted! UrbanPups Startup Idea - City Life with Your Dog

    I am a university student looking for some feedback on a startup idea. It would be great if you could leave your comments and opinions on this below. Would you use this idea? Would you pay to use this idea? Would you invest in this idea? UrbanPups: A Pawsitive Swipe for City Pets: UrbanPup’s...
  3. P

    Seeing my dog for only one week every 3 months

    I’ve recently been assigned a position abroad, and I’m away for 2-3 months at a time. I also recently ended a relationship with my long time partner - we have a dog. The dog will live with my ex while I’m away for work. On my next days off, I’ll only be home for one week, and friend recently...
  4. G

    Dog Communication - Research opportunity

    Hello everyone, We are a group of students doing research on dog-human communication for an interaction science module. We would like to get a better understanding of dog owners thoughts and needs and would therefore really appreciate it if you took the time to answer our survey. It takes...
  5. I

    This is unfortunate.

    My new neighbor just got a puppy about 3 weeks ago. On an estimate I can say the dog looks to be about 2 months old and she’s brindle/colored, I wish I can insert the picture. They lock her up everyday from the outside back porch with the leash feeding from the inside the house and the puppy is...
  6. N


    Hi guys, I’m a recent college grad (22f) and am living in an apartment alone. This isn’t my first time living alone, and I actually prefer it so that’s not the issue. I recently was given a dog by my aunt who owns a dog rescue. I knew going in that this dog was going to be a little bit of a...
  7. K

    Adopting my first dog next week

    I’m so excited. This is a milestone I’ve been looking forward to for years now and I’m finally in a place where I’m ready for my life to be changed by dog ownership! Question for y’all: how do you pick? How do you know which dog is for you? Was it love at first sight? We’re you seeking a...
  8. P

    How to deal with irresponsible dog owners

    Hi everyone, hopefully this is an okay subreddit to post this to, but I’m at my f*cking wits end with irresponsible dog owners in the apartment complex I live at. There’s a growing number of people who have gotten puppies who do not look after them at all. The dogs are not leashed, not trained...
  9. V

    Terrible decision to make - looking for ... I don't know

    Long story incoming. My family has always had dogs, for about the last 18 years. At most we've had 3 at once (and some cats) and over 18 years we've had 7 dogs, 2 cats, and a rat, all rescues. We tend to adopt hard cases and make it work. All to say we are no strangers to difficult...