misc help

  1. S

    Should I get my puppy at 12 weeks or wait till he’s trained at 6 months?

    Hey everyone, hope you can offer some advice. I’m getting a Labrador retriever puppy from a reputable breeder that also offers training. I’ve done a lot of research on them and a few weeks ago I visited and picked out my puppy (and put down a deposit). I’m super excited to get him but I’m a...
  2. A

    Dog GPS collars? (Link v Whistle v Gibi v Fi v Tractive)

    My recently retired hunting hound slipped out this morning and ran a merry chase at least a half mile into the woods behind our house, but I had no idea what direction he went and didn't want to go looking in the woods in case he ran into the road. Luckily he went into the woods and came up to...
  3. S

    current thoughts on pet ins…

    not sure if this is the place to ask, so please don’t roast me if it’s not…I know there is a megathread (I’m so lost reading through it) but I’m wondering your recommendations or recent experiences that you’d be willing to share…or, is it even worth it? F 8 w/o English Bulldog coming home next...
  4. J

    14 day trip, 9 month old pup w sitter/friends.

    With saving and planning, myself, and some friends are able to take a 14 day trip overseas. I currently have a 14-year-old cat, a 13-year-old dog. They will be fine with the sitter. My lab border collie mix will be nine months at the time of my trip. She sleeps through the night, she loves her...
  5. T

    Projected to be 94lbs

    How much stock should one put in the whole estimated growth formula [weight ÷ age in wks = X then X × 52 = estimated weight] cause my 11wk lab puppy (f) is currently 20lbs and according to the formula she will be somewhere around 94-95 lbs when done growing which is like 25lbs heavier than the...
  6. J

    Advise for l having puppy at home for a weekend

    Hoping for some extra advise on leaving our puppy at home when e leave town. Due to a family emergency my and my husband have to leave the state for 3 days, but we can't bring our puppy with us, both because of the situation and because of the travel (we have to take a flight and don't want a...
  7. D

    Autolock/Twistlock Carabiner Leash Recommendations?

    I'm currently using this leash from Tuff Mutt and I like it for the most part but I don't like how the part of the leash that I wrap around my hand seems to be wearing out. My dog is only 35 pounds but she's an intense puller so I'm looking for something with maybe a traffic handle addition or...
  8. W

    Advice - companion animal for active 11 y/o female dog

    Hey all, looking for your perspectives about considering a companion animal for K. What are your experiences with “older” dogs that have lost their “siblings?” Briefly, we have an 11 y/o active dog mix (“K”) that has always struggled with anxiety. Until September, she always had a “big...
  9. D

    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    Hey guys. Im on day 3 of having a 9 week old lab puppy. My MiL/FiL, partner and I live together (the house is basically two separate homes with a shared kitchen). They're having their family over for New Years Eve and I'm not sure what to do with our puppy (they also got a puppy for themselves...
  10. M

    Has anyone had to become a morning person for your pup?

    I mean, I get up early because I have to (potty time!) but it’s not my happy place energy wise to wake up and go 0 to 100. Unfortunately, it is for my puppy. I’m struggling with not having peaceful mornings anymore and how that’s affecting my mental health. Unless I absolutely tire her out...
  11. J

    Should I be concerned about my 8.5 week old pug puppy?

    We got our baby a week ago from a breeder. When Max first got home he was eating everything we were giving him, no problem! We were mixing in his old food with the Purina Pro Puppy kibble/wet food. He was so excited to eat but the last two days he stopped being interested in his food…we can’t...
  12. W

    What are some toys that your dogs DONT destroy???

    My 8 month old puppy as I type this out is yet again killing his fellow stuffy communion. This time, it’s Kraybay the Kangaroo (R. I. P). We’ve tried indestructible stuffies but so far sir drago has only a half of one ear. What toys worked for you? Anything would be appreciated.
  13. P

    Puppy Hack: Invest in some whiskey Ice cubes for longer entertainment

    Our girl Roo (4 month old Aussiechon) loves playing with ice cubes but they melt so fast. I had the idea to give her one of my large whiskey glass ice cubes and she loves it! She’s been running around the yard with it for a while now and since they’re big and dense they last a while! puppy tax
  14. H

    5 Week Old [M] American X English Staffy Puppy, HELP ME!!!

    Hi guys! This post is going to be long but PLEASE, if you know anything about raising puppies away from their mother/littermates @ 5 weeks, share your knowledge with me! I am STRESSING. Firstly, I know 5 weeks is too early for a puppy to be taken from his mother, but this is the situation...
  15. P

    My neighbours hate my dog, help?

    Hey this is my first post here, it’s kinda long but I’m genuinely at a loss so- I got my boy bluey (standard blue-tan dachshund), who was 4 months at the time back in February of this year, 8 months at the time of writing this, there’s been a lot of struggle, the big one’s being he’s very...
  16. U

    9 week pup won’t go potty

    Hi, just got my pup about 5 hours ago and she has intermittently eaten and drank water. I have taken her outside about 6 times. Nothing. She isn’t particularly “active” either. She doesn’t want to play much and instead chooses to take short naps and lay down. Is this normal behavior? I’m worried...
  17. T

    Is this daycare right for my puppy? X-post r/dogs

    Hi. I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy, she is 4.5 months old. Most daycares where I live don't accept puppies under 6 months of age so I assumed that I would have to make do until then (which means traveling back and forth to family and friends who can care for her during my work days)...
  18. A

    Puppy food

    I got 4 puppies which will turn 4 weeks old in a few days but not sure what I should feed them. I got suggested this local food brand; Wolflicious (not 100% sure if local) Ingredients Chicken Meal, Brown Rice, Tapioca, Egg Powder Spray Dried, Rice Bran Extracted, Chicken Fat, Salmon oil...
  19. B

    When evil a/c vents go on the attack…

    So my six month old mini poodle puppy picked out her “spot” as soon as we got her home. It was her spot for months. I’m keeping a leash on her when she’s inside because we’re not totally potty trained yet, and I need to be able to grab her and run if she looks like she’s thinking about going...
  20. I

    10 week old puppy back injury, part vent, part question

    This is part vent, and part a request for advice or prior experience, and ideas. The TLDR is that my 10 week old CKCS puppy jumped from our bed the second day he was home with us (last Thursday) and hurt his back. The longer version of the story is that he started displaying signs of pain...