
  1. S

    [Discussion] Consent and R+ 2.0 in K9 Sports/Training

    Really loved the new Fenzi podcast on the future of R+, what can be improved (lookin' at you sanctimoniousness) and, most of all, in learning how to ask for consent from the dog in certain situations. This is not to be confused with permissiveness (asking means honouring the 'no' so you have a...
  2. P

    [Discussion] Is it time to put my dog down? M[8]

    My dog has a large tumour in his rectum, which means that sometimes when he poos there'll be blood and screaming. Doesn't happen every day, but 2 to 3 times a week he'll have a horrible eposide of non-stop bleeding and straining to defecate, which leads to more bleeding and pain. These episode...
  3. M

    [Discussion] accidental inbred puppy rescue for Bernese mountain dog Q’s

    Question about rescuing from an accidental inbred litter Hi all! A woman who lives near me is having an accidental litter between a brother and sister (from what I understand the brother was supposed to be fixed and got put on a waitlist due to covid, and accidentally mated with the sister)...
  4. J

    [Discussion] I have a 4 y.o. & a 7 y.o. & am wondering if I should switch the 7 y.o. to a senior food

    I have two corgis. I was thinking bright minds by pro plan for the older one. It’s easier to just buy and feed one food though so I’m wondering how necessary it is.
  5. A

    [Rant] [Discussion] lady went on a racist berate while i was walking my dogs because, according to her, i don't pick up after them

    i was actually having a nice time walking and this lady just ruined my day. i was taking my two dogs around the block and we stopped at a parking lot-ish area at the corner because my one dog had to pee. i wasn't sure if she was peeing or pooping at first because of the way she was standing but...
  6. G

    [discussion] Are puppies genetically closer related to their littermates than to other non-littermate siblings from the same mom and dad?

    In other words, let's say Xena and Stevie have litter #1 consisting of puppies A, B, C, D, and E. Xena and Stevie reproduce with each other again, and out pops litter #2 consisting of puppies F, G, H, I, and J. Is puppy A genetically closer related to puppy B than she is to puppy F? Is...
  7. R

    [Discussion] Do you think that dogs know when they’re getting close to the end of their lives?

    We have a 13 y.o. (we think) pit bull mix. For her whole life she has slept on dog beds on our main floor. However, for the past few weeks she’s chosen to sleep upstairs where all of our bedrooms are, in the hallway on the worn carpet - seemingly much less comfortable than her beds. She has...
  8. J

    [Discussion] Dog dental experience and associated costs

    I know many of us become very nervous when it comes to having our dogs undergo a surgical procedure or be under anesthesia. I thought this post would bring some peace of mind and give people an idea of what to expect. On Feb. 24th my dog went under for her first dental while in my care. She had...
  9. J

    [Discussion] Puppies are expensive. Are you really ready for the cost?

    Full disclaimer this is my first puppy, but my second dog. I managed to save a good chunk of money on gear because I have a million collars, bowls, toys, food puzzles, leashes, etc. that will work for his size as he grows into an adult dog. Also, this is my show prospect puppy. So some of the...
  10. T

    [Discussion] Owning dog with 8 h work

    Hello together, Me and my GF really want to have a dog. We are both 23, upper middleclass (income, flat, ...) and are 7 years together. Both of us are pretty responsible - so we dont want to „Pick a living being and just try it“. Problem is: Both of us work 8 hours a day, which means the dog...